Learn Self defence -DON'T look like a good victim!

It`s a game called 'the knockout game' -- or 'polar
bearing' that started in the USA. 

This "game" consists of one person,
egged on by a group of friends that hide
or stand casually nearby, who walks up
to a complete stranger and attempts to
KNOCK them out with a single sucker

It's still pretty rare all around, but
the fact that it's made its way from the
streets of Detroit and New York into a
couple of smaller towns .

It won't be long before you hear about
it happening in other parts of the

What to do about it?

Same thing as always: be alert, and DON'T
look like a good victim. Even if you're
a little person, stand tall, make eye
contact, and let them know you're alert.

The last thing these morons want is to
NOT knock you out -- so all you have to
do is make it look like you don't go
down easy.

Remember If your gut says that someone is
probably going to attack you, you SHOULD
listen to it....

Knock out Game" - Tips & techniques to defend against it