Defending on Angles

Defending on Angles

As you know in addition to my self defense system I also
teach a traditional karate program at my school.

As such we teach traditional type sparring using the
typical sparring equipment which is so popular today.

When I first started sparring in the sixties we didn't 
have all the gear and simply put on a cup and sometimes
a mouthpiece and went at it. Some of you old timers 
know what I am talking about.

One of the first things we teach a beginner is not to 
back straight up when someone is pressing the attack.

To try to get them to remember this, I always tell them
that no matter how fast they can move backward, their 
opponent can run forward faster.

Of course this only part of the reason not to go straight
back. Another important aspect is to not allow your 
opponent the opportunity for a continuous attack.

The same is true in self defense. In fact, if possible
never go backward at all. As I mentioned in a previous
article, a good offense is the best defense. But...

In reality there are times you will find yourself 
moving backward in a real fight or self defense 
situation. This may be in the first few moments 
of the attack. You may need to evade, avoid or 
block the initial onslaught to prevent being 
hit or grabbed. Once you go on the offensive, keep 
going until the threat is over. Forward if possible.

If you do need to move backward never go straight back.
Always try to angle off to the side. We like to call
it 'getting off the line'. The line being the straight
line of attack.

By doing this, you slow up the momentum of the attacker
as he needs to change directions to follow you. It also
puts you in a better position to counter attack.

If possible always try to move to your opponents outside.
So if your attacker punches or grabs with his right hand
you will try to move toward your left (his right). This
takes you away from his other weapons (his hands and feet)
and puts you in a good position to counter without him
being able to defend.



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Defending on Angles

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