We live today in a  very Dangerous World. But it was just like this since we live on earth.

One old latine phrase says :Homo Hominis lupus est!

 Homo homini lupus est is a Latin phrase meaning "man is a wolf to [his fellow] man.the phrase is sometimes translated as "man is man's wolf", which can be interpreted to mean that man preys upon man. It is widely referenced when discussing the horrors of which humans are capable.

 It means a man is like a wolf to a man.

It means Man can hurt and can kill what else? Just Like A wolf!!

It can happen everywhere,anywhere ..

You might be on the way coming back from job,going shopping somewhere practically anywhere in a world .

A guy aggressive, stronger and taller then you  comes right a way on your direction


Why you block my direction or why you take my park place or anything else..Or you might going out at the Club and somebody stronger ,taller then you just simple attacks you ,he might insult your girlfriend  want to rape you (if you are a girl) ,might try steal your  wallet ,watch ,car.........or want  just simple to hurt you ! Why ?

Remeber: Homo Hominis lupus est! That`s why!

Or you may be on vocation somewhere in Mexico or Brazil or some dark night in some dangerous street in USA  or anywhere,,and  consecuence of simple unprepared possibly victim?
 you could Lose your life !

So if you don` want that to happen you must..I repeat you must do something for your self defense!

Learning Krav Maga and specially commando Krav Maga which is more advance than any Martial Art of today,and more effective as well  is just a must do thing of today.

Forget fitness or running or lift weights ,,when you could stay there unprepared and just before your nose big bad guy is threatening and attacking you  and possibly and trying to kills you,,and you are losing your money and energy on useless fitness or lifting weights which is not bad bad I ask you gently could it save your life if anything of this could happen to you one day?

Of course not!

You have to react quick and be fast with a method which is fast ,easy to learn and practical so wkth less effort and energy you should take your attacker out of balance and so you could win much precious time to you do next step run for your life.

The most of martial arts are no effective on the street fight cose scare effect and surprise effect can paralyses the best martial art fighters so in difficult moment they can forget basic moves to do something against attacker!

But with Commando Krav Maga you are going to learn almost every ``might happen`` possible situation on the real life ,on the street in so when that day comes..and it can come anytime cose just shit happens!You might not stay as a peace of bag saying to your attacker please not kill me which will make him more happy and feel more powerful so he might play with you as he wishes..But you will react strong and fast to take him of his balance and make him force to  runnaway so you can save your life!

Like I said it might happen anywhere and anytime ...stay Focus and learn Commando Krav Maga!!It`s not just like somebody might think it is only for special units ,security and so on!If you have a desire to build yourself as a Commando Krav Maga specialist ,you could be if you are focused on your targets!This is an advance form of Krav Maga ,so it is a step after basic learning's you got with Krav Maga!

Here is some examples ..what Can really happen any time anywhere in a world and what you should react if that happen to you ..



From the mixture of the deadly trinity of Krav Maga , Kapap Lotar , Jiu Jitsu / Judo , Kickboxing, Muay Thai it came to :the Commando Krav Maga ( CKM ) .
CKM is considered by many experts as the most effective Israeli combat system and made ​​available to the public until 2004 accessible. By CKM you can learn how to defend against any type of attack or repel attackers , armed attackers with knives, guns , glass bottles, baseball bats includes etc. . Furthermore, you will learn to controll your opponent , regardless of his size , with effective training and combat knowledge . The most important thing here is that you can already achieve results in a short time , due to the realistic training methodology that facilitates rapid learning .

The system is based on simple straight and decisive movements that can save lives. Commando Krav Maga (CKM) covers all aspects of close combat and the handling or training with weapons. The Effektievity of techniques has been proven over and over again , they were the most elite groups , Special Forces and SWAT teams in Israel , as taught worldwide. Equally important to the physical technical aspects of the training is the mental aspect of training. This Krav Maga techniques are simple but very effective ! famous instructor Moni Aizik always says : "Simplicity is the expression of glory . " Isarelian martial arts since decades have bin successfully in use by many different special forces and special forces around the world, such as 11 of the Israeli Special Forces , FBI SWAT , the Argentinean GOE , U.S. Marshals , Brazilian GATE , the U.S. Military, the U.S. Border Police , the police of Helsinki , the British TSG , professional bodyguard in high security areas , anti -terror police unit and SWAT teams worldwide .


Have proven over time to work and work well even in the most extreme cases.
 These weak areas of the body have beenutilised by Martial Arts Masters forhundreds of years.
They work and work very well at KRav Maga and Commando Krav Maga. As such EXTREME care MUST be taken when practicing these techniques.Commando Krav Maga teqnichues are focused on these pressure points to end a fight as quick as possible!
You should always be aware of and adhere to the laws of self-defence as they apply toyour country.The first point is four-finger widths up from the inside ankle bone.For the very best results simply toe punt this area hard or stamp on it.
It causes a massive energy drain on the bodyand a huge shock to the system as a whole. A strike here makes the head very weak.

In some cases a very hard strike will result in a K.O and / or a broken leg.The strike will also split the legs, causing your opponent to lose balance and leave his groin open to attack.Kick it as hard as you can - either straightin or down with a stomp."
"The very tip of the chin produces an easy, simple and instant K.O . It MUST be struck in and down as if you are hammering on a door to be let in.A light strike to this area will cause thejaw to push back and ache for quite a while at the hinge.
The head will experience a "zing" from backto front and then back again.A medium strike will cause a light K.O or severe dizziness with Krav Maga counzter attack teqnichues.A hard strike will cause a more severe K.O. andcould result in the dislocation of the jaw and / or several teeth becoming dislodged.

The final point we are going to cover isthe back of the head, at the base of the skull under the round of the occipital bone.If you draw a line from the bottom of theear to the spine, the half way point iswhere it can be found. This area should be struck in an upward motion towards the opposite upper side of the frontal part of the head.Strike towards the forehead of the opposite side.This is the 'easiest' K.O. point on the body.However, it is not easy to get to as it is onthe back of the head.All the Doormen, Security Officers and LawEnforcement Officers I have taught this to have made this place their 'favourite'. A light strike will cause dizziness and the legs to buckle.A medium strike will cause unconsciousness and momentary memory loss.A severe strike will cause massive unconsciousness.It will also cause total short term (last few hours) memory loss."

Read More:Best Krav Maga Practioners in the World