Arts like judo, Aikido, Hapkido...

 MARTIAL Arts like judo, Aikido, Hapkido...

It's not that I don't respect arts like Judo, Aikido, Hapkido, etc. To be good at these arts requires years of dedication and practice as well as excellent physical condition. I remember back in the 60's when I was training judo.

Man, you had to be in really good shape to play randori (tournament style judo where the object is to throw, control or choke out your opponent).

That was sheer hard work. It not only required a lot of skill but excellent body conditioning. However for real life, practical self defense, in my opinion it's the long road. A road that most will not reach the destination. Why? Well first off it takes many, many years to get to the point of being able to throw someone effectively and consistently when they don't want to be thrown.

Add in a street opponent who is try to punch, kick, knee and head butt you while you're trying to fit for a throw. Now take into consideration, that your opponent might be six foot five (not easy to throw a real tall guy if you haven't tried it) or maybe five foot five and two hundred and seventy five pounds (not easy to throw either). Now multiply the difficulty while you are under an adrenal rush. Your fine motor control is minimized or lost. Your cognitive thinking is blurred at best.

Are you going to be able to figure out which of the 30 throws you know how to execute to use and when? Look, maybe a high ranking black belt judo player who has learned some mixed martial arts striking skills will be able to consistently pull off throwing a street attacker.

But what about the rest of us? The bottom line (in my humble opinion) is that it's much easier to learn to hit someone than to throw someone. We've tested striking many times in adrenal stress scenarios. Many times with totally untrained students.

They manage to strike their attackers repeatedly and usually with pretty good power as well. As long as the striking they are doing is simple and effective they are successful, time and time again.




"INTIMIDATION"... "To deter by threats", "to frighten into submission".... Human Psychology of Self Defence !

The Four D'S' on Self Defence ( KRAV MAGA)

How to use pressure points in a street confrontation?

'Multiplied Force Fighting System'

Disarming a Weapon Wielding Attacker. (Krav Maga)

"Will traditional Martial arts work in a street confrontation?"

Putting Together Your Self Defense Puzzle

What many think of when you say "Self Defense"?

 'Shocker Defence Technique'

Kiai Self Defence..

Five Thousand Self Defence Techniques!!

The 'Shocker SELF Defence Technique' l


Subject: Military Self Defense

Self Defense Question :"How can I overcome the adrenal rush?"

Strength Training for Self Defense

What many think of when you say "Self Defense" (Krav Maga)

Effective Use Of Pressure Points in Self Defense ( Krav Maga)

Dealing With the Effects of the Adrenal Rush / How to control it on Self Defence - Special forces Combatives..

Defending on Angles

Point of Reference Repetition

The Concept of Continuous Attack!

Using Distraction in Self Defense

Your most devastating weapons!

 More on Blocking in Self Defense

How can we learn to prevent fear during a street attack?

Assertive Behavior l

Blocking in Self Defense

QUESTION: Which is more difficult to defend, a gun or knife attack?

Shocking CNN News Article on College Rapes!

Hitting with incredible power.

Nine Important Self Defense Tips

Women's self defense!      

'Multiplied Force Fighting System    

The Use of Throws in Self Defense.