Martial Arts
Here you will find an overview of historical and modern martial arts and martial arts styles.
In professional circles, a more accurate differentiation between combat sports and martial art is most often used . In martial arts , therefore, is the regulated sporting competition in the foreground, in which the objective is to win and be better than the opponent. In most martial arts weapons are used , and if they do, only sporting weapons that reduce the risk of injury. Competitions in martial arts are usually duels , but other forms of competition are possible.A martial art , however, is concerned with self-defense and the behavior in real , unregulated hazards or conflict . Therefore, every martial art includes fighting techniques , which aim to defeat an opponent , often with the use of weapons. Moreover, belong to a martial art often other aspects , such as the avoidance of conflicts in advance , the general increase in mobility, strength , speed, or self-discipline.

The Practical Self Defense System is a functional , realistic , effective, modern and dynamic self-defense system that relies on instinctive movements , practical self- defense techniques , and realistic training scenarios . The Practical Self Defense System is not a martial sport and not of Asian martial arts style, it also does not belong in the category of grassroots sport into it. It is a purely purposive self-defense system with different techniques and tactical elements. The goal must be with a minimum expenditure and reflexively applied simple variable self-defense techniques to achieve a guaranteed maximum success. Because of today's modern training methods , the operator learns to act very quickly and precisely in order to protect themselves from a , or more potential counterparties who are unarmed or armed. The Practical Self Defense system may require any person be learned , regardless of age , gender, body size or body force in a reasonable time , practiced and demonstrated goal-oriented and applied. The Practical Self Defense System contains no unnecessary flourishes or gimmicks or costi movements and techniques . For the user the ease of self-defense techniques is a very important criterion , because the very fast to think and act the instant , be with each other and blend together into an efficient self-defense unit .


The Practical Self Defense System has been developed to enable people as quickly as possible in a position to cope with aggression of any kind . Therefore, physically weaker persons with this self-defense system have a realistic chance to survive an attack on life and limb intact. The goal of the Practical Self Defense System is not the victory over an opponent , but the master of all aggression and survival of extreme threats of any kind is why the Practical Self Defense System waived artistic elements and beautiful techniques. The fundamental basis of the self-defense system are natural , existing in every human physical reflexes. These reflexes must not only be eintrainiert lengthy, they are very quickly accessible even under extreme psychological pressure . These physical reflexes are supplemented by direct, simple and effective self-defense techniques . For the fastest possible completion of aggression is guaranteed. The Practical Self Defense system is subject to constant technical control, from ten national and international martial arts expert who practice their techniques from various self defense systems in the world. A halt in the development of self-defense techniques , would also be simultaneously a gap in the system evolution . This can , should and will not happen , because we have a very high responsibility to the people who want to learn this self-defense system to defend themselves also purposefully in an eventual self-defense situation. The Practical Self Defense system, there are no competitions , tournaments , championships , compared fights, forms , victories or defeats. The Community events that can take place several times a year nationally or internationally, promote cooperative fellowship for all and reflect on the learning and strengthen the self-defense techniques , as well as to the entire development of the complete Practical Self Defense System .


The Practical Self Defense system, there are the tactical four-way strategy. This tactical four-way strategy based on the following principles : # 1 = attack , No. 2 = Block , No. 3 = counter , No. 4 = control. The Practical Self Defense System combines and connects the self-defense techniques from the great world of martial arts systems and martial arts styles. In this self-defense system , no special procedures must be adhered to, the learned basic grassroots movements are simply combined with other functional , realistic , effective , modern and dynamic self-defense techniques . This freedom allows improvisation , the situation in question as soon as possible to adapt . When training the trainer pays close attention to the fact that not need to adjust the people to the self-defense system , but that the self-defense system has to adapt to the people . Wherefore, the Practical Self Defense system differs not only in many details , but also in the whole of very many other martial arts systems in the world. The Practical Self Defense system there is a special principle as a special added feature , the all active persons must comply with from the beginning , which reads : The road to success has no shortcut! This means that each person must follow the same path to the destination. It is generally not wasting graduation , or lent to any form of nonsense. The Practical Self Defense System has created from beginner level up to the Grand Master level , its own special teaching / training / and testing program for themselves. Our motto is this: D mutual cooperation Practical Self Defense system that does not exist , this self-defense system of quantity, but from a selected quality that makes up the special of the system. We reserve the right , we keep people for more temperamentally unsuited to dismiss and not to form . We do not teach the people , before whom we must protect ourselves eventually !


Much is changing over time , as well as the Practical Self Defense System . Since this self-defense system is not a traditional martial art , it must continue to evolve forever. Rigid martial arts systems such as decades or even centuries still exist in their tradition and form are not on the same level as in systems that must adapt to the times and the circumstances. In today's modern time, people , danger situations , violence , weapons , laws, and many other important conditions are changing constantly anew. Thus, a self-defense system such as the Practical Self Defense system must continuously evolve and change over and over again in order to claim to be realistic and practical approach in itself can . But not only technology and tactics must adapt , even training methodology and target group-oriented teaching is relevant. Thus, the Practical Self Defense System is a contemporary , Western conditions adapted for self-defense system for many people among us .


The Practical Self Defense System is a modern and rational self-defense system . New knowledge of training theory in the self- defense techniques are considered exactly that is because that is ensures the constant training / education and training of active people. Basis of self-defense training is not the tradition, but the efficiency in terms of the individual person is currently located in an off / or training of self-defense system. Traditional rites or esoteric perspectives , such as those found in some Asian martial arts , there is not the Practical Self Defense System . We attach no importance to a form of personal or Graduierungskultes . The teacher , trainer or master is the jenige person who assists in the continuous expansion of personal skills and not an object of worship. Important is a sensible , personal interaction and mutual understanding in a most enjoyable training atmosphere . The Practical Self Defense System is a high quality and living system that is constantly evolving and looking for better solutions . We are not the sole , or the largest in the world who practice a self-defense system , so we do not ask to have the high standards of these solutions have been found for us. The claim that there is the ultimate approach , so to speak, a universal solution that everybody has success , we deem completely untrustworthy . In my experience , a self-defense system must be sufficiently flexible so that every person can find the individual tailor- made ​​solution . A serious example: If a person can not learn a particular technical movement due to anatomical conditions , then it does not matter if that person has to practice this particular self defense technique over and over again and work out just because the teacher, coach or master precisely this a technique particularly valuable for viewing. Much more sense to offer an alternative concept of this person , the consideration for the existing personal skills , that is, the self-defense system must be adapted to the individual needs of each person and not vice versa would be . The Practical Self Defense system offers this flexibility also disadvantaged people with anatomical conditions, a very big chance that the practice of this self-defense system is feasible and can be learned .


Taking the daily headlines of various media seriously , we are people in a time of increasing violence. The crime rate is very greatly increased and the brutality has assumed alarming proportions . No matter what country or city we live in, it has become more uncertain. But we do not want to join us this scaremongering . The police statistics show that some offenses such as assault, acts of violence against people of all ages , whether male or female, have been increasing greatly , but partly also remained the same. In contrast, other criminal offenses have declined , according to statistics from the police, partially . We live in spite of all the critics in a country where the security of the individual is guaranteed by the rule. Why, then, you need a self defense system like the Practical Self Defense system at all? If a person comes in a self-defense situation , then help that person no statistics in the world. Even if the place where this person is just 99.9 % sure , it is true that person but to 100 %. It is to be the exception , because just then , the perpetrators violence could go on one's life is not very comforting. By learning a self-defense system, various things can be achieved. First, you have the opportunity to defend themselves against aggression to defend themselves . This , in turn, your self-confidence increases greatly. You do not feel helpless exposed to anything that might happen to you . Overcoming anxiety and self-confidence so obtained increases the quality of life of individuals enormously. One can assess certain dangerous situations realistic and is placed in a position to properly in such situations , that is, adapted to be able to react . People who practice a self-defense system , appear in public to be more confident and less likely victim of a violent crime than other people. Start today personally to protect yourself, you learn for yourself and your safety is a self-defense system after your clear choice because each deferred day is a day wasted . I wish you to much success and good luck!


 Japanese Calligraphy " Karatedo "

Karate Karate (空手, jap " empty hand " or " without weapons in the hands " ) is a martial art whose history is sure to Okinawa in the 19th Can be traced back centuries , where native Okinawan traditions ( death ) Chinese ( Shaolin Quanfa ) and Japanese influences ( Yawara ) merged . At the beginning of the 20th Century it found its way to Japan and became widespread after the Second World War from there all over the world .Karate is characterized by content unarmed techniques , especially shock , impact , kick and block techniques and foot sweep . Lever and throws are also taught in advanced Bunkai also choke holds and nerve point techniques and the defense or application of techniques with the aid of Kobudo weapons are practiced .Legal high value is usually placed on the physical conditioning that has nowadays especially agility, speed strength and aerobic capacity to the target. The Resilience of the limbs , inter alia, with the aim of breaking tests (Japanese Tamashiwari ), ie the well-known film and television battering of boards or bricks , is now less popular, but is operated by individuals still enthusiastic .The traditional etiquette ( reishiki ) depending on their personal practices of the dojo more or less importance, although a minimum is almost always observed. Modern karate training is often more athletic oriented. This means that the competition plays an important role . This might also suffers the teaching effective self-defense techniques that really belong to karate .1 History1.1 NameKaratedo (Japanese = Way of Empty Hand ) was formerly often referred to only as karate and is performed under that name today most often. The addition of dō is used to emphasize the philosophical background of art and its importance as a way of life. Until the thirties into the spelling唐 手was in use , which literally means something like Chinese hand. The character唐tō with the Sino- Japanese reading and reading Japanese kara was referring to China in the Tang Dynasty ( 618-907 AD ) . Thus, the Chinese origins were already manifested in the name of martial arts. For political reasons ( nationalism ) we then went to Japan to the空手spelling words to use empty hand. The new character was read as the old kara and was also in meaning insofar as appropriate, as is so fought without weapons in karate mostly empty-handed . In German, an emphasis on the second syllable is common in the pronunciation of the word Kara- te . Often even emphasizes on te , as in several Romance languages ​​, for example, in French or Portuguese . After the Japanese pronunciation of the word , however, an equivalent accenting each syllable is common.1.2 originsLegend has it that the Buddhist monk Daruma Taishi ( Bodhidharma ) from Kanchipuram (South India ) in the 6th 've Century, the monastery Shaolin (Japanese Shorinji ) reached and there founded not only the Ch'an (Zen) Buddhism , but also taught the monks in physical exercises , so they could endure the long meditation. ( : Shaolin Quanfa , Japanese Kempo / Kenpo correctly ) emerged from the then many other Chinese martial arts styles ( Wushu ) had developed so the Shaolin Kungfu is .Since Karate is aware of his Chinese roots , it considers itself as descendants also like that tradition (Chan , Bodhidharma , Shaolin ), whose historicity is in the darkness and among historians is controversial. Nonetheless adorns the portrait of Daruma so many dojo .1.3 From China to OkinawaKarate in its present form developed on the Pacific chain of the Ryukyu Islands, particularly on the main island of Okinawa. This is about 500 kilometers south of the main Japanese island of Kyushu between the South China Sea and Pacific Ocean. Today, the island of Okinawa is a part of the prefecture of Japan. Already in the 14th Century entertained Okinawa, then the center of the independent Kingdom of Ryukyu island , trading contacts with Japan , China and Korea. The urban centers of the island , Naha, Shuri and Tomari were then an important trading center for goods and thus provided a forum for cultural exchange with the Chinese mainland. This came first impressions of Chinese fighting techniques of Quanfa / Kempo to Okinawa , where they mingled with the indigenous fighting system of the Te / De and so on developed to death or Okinawa -Te . Te literally means as much as hand , in a figurative sense, technique and hand technique . The original term for death or karate唐 手, can therefore freely as hand technique from the land of Tang (China) are translated (but of course thinks the various techniques as a whole) .The economic importance of the islands meant that she was constantly plagued by unrest and uprisings . Finally, in 1416, King Sho Shin succeeded (also Sho Hashi ) to some of the islands. To maintain peace in the insurgent population then he forbade wearing any weapons. To control the various regions he undertook all princes for permanent residence at his court at Shuri - a control option , which was later copied by the Tokugawa Shoguns . Due to the weapons ban , the unarmed martial arts of Okinawa -Te enjoyed growing popularity for the first time and many of their masters traveled to China to get there through the training of the Chinese Chuan-Fa/Quan Fa retrain .1609 occupied the Shimazu of Satsuma , the island chain and tightened the weapons prohibition to the effect that even the possession of any weapons , even ceremonial weapons, was placed under heavy penalty . This weapons ban was called Katanagari , which means " chasing swords " means . Swords, daggers , knives and any blade tools were systematically collected. This went so far that a village just a kitchen knife was granted , which was with a rope to the village well ( or at some other central location ) fixed and strictly guarded. The stricter weapons ban should stop unrest and armed resistance against the new rulers . However, Japanese Samurai had the right of the so-called " sword sample" to the result, they were able to focus their sword blade on corpses , wounded, or even try out arbitrarily to a farmer , which also occurred. The annexation thus led to an increased need for self-defense , especially since at that time were missing on the feudal Okinawa police system and legal protection that could protect individuals from such interventions . Lack of state Rechtsschutzinstutionen and the increased need for defense against arbitrary acts of the new rulers thus justified an intensification and Subtilisierungsprozess of Te ( = combat system ) to karate ( = weapon) .Some twenty years passed until the great masters of Okinawa -Te to a secret opposition made ​​a covenant together and specified that Okinawa -Te only should still be passed to selected people in secret.Meanwhile, developed in the large rural population , the Kobudo turned tools and everyday objects with his special techniques to weapons. It went spiritual, mental and health aspects , as they were taught in the Chuan - Fa, lost. On efficiency designed were techniques that hid unnecessary risk , such as kicking the head, not trained . So we can speak of a Darwinian selection of the techniques in this context. Kobudo and weapons made ​​from everyday objects and tools were for economic reasons can not be banned because they were simply necessary for the care of the population and the occupiers. However, it was very difficult to confront with these weapons a trained and well-armed warriors in battle. Therefore, developed in Okinawa - Te and Kobudo , which were taught at that time still closely linked to are not taken the maxim possible and at the same time take advantage of the few opportunities that presented themselves , with a single blow to kill the enemy. This is specific to the Karate principle is called Ikken Hissatsu . The Darwinian selection of the most efficient fighting techniques and the Ikken - Hissatsu principle brought karate to an unjustified reputation for an aggressive combat system , and even the " hardest of all martial arts " to be . ( see below film and media)Some amazingly high foot techniques seem to have a special background. If a mounted warrior rode into a village , it was possible for an advanced karateka , at the right moment to run over a wooden ramp and the knight to contact ( Yoko Tobi Geri ) from the horse. The probability of such an attack was successful was very small , but at least a chance in an otherwise promising little fight.The lethal effect of this martial art meant that the Japanese occupiers again the prohibition stretched , and also presented the teachings of Okinawa -Te under draconian punishment. However, it has also been taught in secret. Thus, the knowledge of Te for a long time on small elitist schools or individual families was limited because of the possibility to study the martial arts was only a few wealthy citizens are available on the Chinese mainland.

Because the art of writing in the population at that time was not very common , and it was necessary for reasons of confidentiality to any written records were made , as was sometimes the case in Chinese kungfu styles (see Bubishi ) . It relied on the oral tradition and direct distribution . To this end the Master bundled to teaching martial arts in teaching units related to specified procedures or forms. These precisely defined processes are called Kata . To meet the confidentiality purpose of Okinawa -Te bill, these processes had before uninitiated Battle School (before potential Ausspähern ) are encrypted . In this case , use was as encryption code of traditional tribal dances ( odori ) affecting the systematic construction of the kata . Thus, each kata has still to this day a strict step diagram ( Embusen ) . The efficiency of the encryption of the techniques in the form of a kata is in the kata demonstration in front of the laity : For the layman, and in the untrained eyes of Karate beginner 's movements seem strange or meaningless to . The actual significance of the fighting reveals itself only through an intense kata study and " deciphering " of the kata. This is done in bunkai training. A kata is therefore a traditional , systematic military action program and was the primary medium of the tradition of karate .The first yet known by name master of death was probably Chatan Yara , who lived many years in China and there learned the martial arts of his master. According to legend, he taught well "death " Sakugawa , a student of Takahara Peichin . On Sakugawa is a variant of the Kata Kushanku , named after a Chinese diplomat , back . The most famous student was Sakugawas " Bushi " Matsumura Sokon , who later even taught the ruler of Okinawa.1.4 20 CenturyBy the end of the 19th Century has always been practiced in secret and passed only from master to student karate. During the Meiji Restoration, Okinawa was officially declared in 1875 to a Japanese prefecture. In this time of social upheaval , in which the Okinawan population adapting the Japanese lifestyle and Japan after centuries of isolation again opened the world karate again began to push harder in the public.The Commissioner of Education of Okinawa Prefecture , Shintaro Ogawa , 1890 was particularly attentive to the good physical condition of a group of young men for military service during the screening of young men . This indicated that they are taught in karate on the Jinjo Koto Shogakko ( Jinjo Koto primary school ) . Then, the local government commissioned the master Yasutsune Itosu trying to create a curriculum that included, among other things simple and basic kata ( Pinan or Heian ) , from which he tactics and methodology of fighting largely removed and the health aspect as posture , range of motion , flexibility , breathing, tension and relaxation in the foreground set . Karate was officially 1902 school sports on Okinawa. This dramatic event in the development of karate marks the point at which the learning and practicing the martial art no longer just self-defense served , but also as a kind of physical exercise was considered .

After the beginning of 1900 was a surge in emigration from Okinawa to Hawaii. This Karate first came to the United States , the Hawaiian had annexed in 1898 .Gichin Funakoshi , a student of Master Yasutsune Itosu and Anko Asato , distinguished himself in the reform of karate in particular: On the basis of Shorin- Ryu (also Shuri- Te according to the origin city) and the Shorei - Ryu ( Naha - Te) began to systematize he karate. He knew besides the pure physical exercise as a means of character formation .In addition to these three masters Kanryo Higashionna was another influential reformer. His style integrated soft, evasive defensive techniques and hard , direct counter techniques . His students Chojun Miyagi and Mabuni Mabuni created on this basis their own styles of Goju - Ryu and Shito- Ryu , which should be later widespread .In the years 1906 to 1915 Funakoshi traveled with a selection of his best students throughout Okinawa Karate and held public demonstrations . In the following years, the then Crown Prince , later Emperor Hirohito witnessed such a performance and invited Funakoshi , President of the Ryukyu Ryu Budokan already - an Okinawan martial art - was, a , at a national Budō event 1922 in Tōkyō his karate in a lecture to present. This lecture learned with great interest and Funakoshi was invited to his art at the Kodokan practically demonstrate . The enthusiastic crowd , led by the founder of Judo , Jigoro Kano , Funakoshi persuaded the Kodokan to stay and teach. Two years later, in 1924 , Funakoshi founded his first dojo .About the schools came Karate soon do sports at the universities, where at that time for the purpose of military training already Judo and kendo were taught . This development, which had to take the Okinawan styles of karate to spread approvingly led to the recognition of karate as a "national martial art " and was finally Japanized .

Following the example of the already established on the Jūdō system was during the thirties, then the kimono or karate-gi and the hierarchical classification of students and masters degrees , identified by colored belts , introduced in karate , with the politically motivated intention a stronger group identity and hierarchical structure to establish .Due to his efforts, then karate was at the Shoka University, Takushoku University, Waseda University and introduced to the Japanese Medical School . The first official book about Karate was published by Gichin Funakoshi Ryu Kyu Kempo under the name of Karate in 1922. There followed in 1925 the revised version Rentan Goshin Karate Jutsu . His main work was published under the title Karate Do Kyohan 1935 ( this version was 1958 again extended to the karate -specific developments of the last 25 years). His biography appeared under the name of Karate - dō Ichi ro ( Karate - dō - my way ) , in which he describes his life with karate.After the Second World War, Karate has been classified by Funakoshi's relations with the Ministry of Education as a physical education and not as a martial art , which made it possible to teach karate after World War II during the occupation of Japan.About Hawaii and with the U.S. occupation of Japan and Okinawa in particular took karate during the fifties and sixties as a sport first in the U.S. and then in Europe is becoming more widespread .From named after Funakoshi or his literary pseudonym shoto shotokan school ( "House of Shoto " ) showed the first internationally operating Karate organization , the JKA , which is one of the most influential karate organizations in the world today. Funakoshi and the other old masters opposed the institutionalization and Versportlichung and the consequent splitting into different styles from completely .In 1954, Henry Plee in Paris, the first European Budo - dojo . A German judoka named Jürgen Seydel came on a Judo course in France for the first time in contact with the Karate Master Murakami , whom he invited thrilled to teach in Germany . For the participants of this training initially a sub-organization , the karate taught and which eventually in 1961 emerged the first German Confederation of Karateka , the German Karate Federation developed within the Judo associations .The first karate club in Germany Jürgen Seydel eventually founded in 1957 under the name Budokan Bad Homburg in Bad Homburg. The largest spread of karate in Germany experienced the organizations in the seventies, eighties and nineties, in which the German Karate Federation ( DKV) joined the Karate -rubbing every style and genre as an umbrella organization and today is the only official Karate Association in Germany .2 The four major styles of KarateThe Japanese Karate is divided today into four major styles namely Goju , Shotokan , Shitoryu and Wadoryu , which in turn go back to two also quite common Okinawan styles Shoreiryū and Shorinryu . Many smaller newer styles is attributable to one or more of these six schools .
The mutual influences between karate styles in their development , as well as the effects importantly, great religions and philosophical currents
3 etiquetteThere are karate training a hierarchical distinction : In addition to the Sensei , the teacher , there is the sempai and kohai .Each karate training begins and ends traditionally with a short meditation ( Mokuso ) . This will also bring the peaceful purpose of the exercises expressed . The short meditation suggests the tradition of karate as Weglehre , even if today's training for modern sports terms ( eg as a fitness or competition training ) , and not as an exercise of the path (in the sense of the classic Karate -Do ) aligned . Also begins and ends each karate training , each exercise and each kata with a greeting . Thus, the first principle of the 20 rules of Gichin Funakoshi ( Gichin Funakoshi Karate Do niju no jo ) is expressed : "karate ni Hajimari wa rei rei ni owaru koto " - " Karate begins and ends with respect ! "The outstanding Respekterweisung to the Master manifests itself sometimes in strange -looking rules. So it is about considered rude to go behind the back of the master. This in no way rooted in the idea of ​​being attacked from behind , but in the idea that a " Gone Crawl " on a poor teacher -student relationship (because lack of appreciation ) suggests .In many dōjō it is customary to greet the congregation in it with a short bow before entering and leaving the hall, possibly the SHOMEN the dojo is greeted with another short bow when entering and leaving .Then together a ritual greeting ceremony ( Rei) is performed , in which students and masters of each other and in front of the old masters and ancestors ( in spirit, represented on the front side , the SHOMEN the dojo ) bow .During the welcoming ceremony unwritten rules apply:3.1 The ritual welcoming ceremonyThe following ceremony varies between styles or dojo. But you make the principle clear.

Once the Master or an authorized by him senpai are to detect the beginning of the training , the preparation is done . In this case, masters and students ask each other head- on and take the stand Musubi Dachi a ( ready position with heels together , feet are directed forty-five degrees to the outside) . The students form a belt colors according to ascending ordered sequence , of the white belts to the left up to the black belts on the right. The series is directed to the right to the highest -graded senpai . The students pay attention to the fact that their toes do not exceed the line of thinking that has established the sempai , for this would amount to a challenge of Sempai same.
Next, the sempai takes a step to ninety degrees to the left so that he well has the whole series in the field of view. This is the place of senpai , who from here good eye contact with Sensei and Kohai .
Only when the Master kneels to greet , make it after senpai and kohai . Again, a precisely prescribed procedure : Man squats down so that the legs form a V when one would look down now . At the same time slide the hands along the thigh to the knees . The back is straight , look directly to the Sensei .
Well first touches the left knee to the floor, then follows the right . The hands glide now back from the knees to the thighs . The now established feet are put down , so that the instep touching the ground and you can sit comfortably on his lower legs square. Executed properly , can remain so hours . The back is straight , the view and the attention liable still at Sensei . The thighs and the mental line between the two knee justify an isosceles triangle Royal . The knees are two fists apart.
The Sempai now leads on through the greeting label. After a moment in which he shall ensure the proper attitude of Kohai , he sets the command : " Mokuso " . Then close all the eyes. The meditation begins . Higher graduates, meditative experienced Sempai take during this meditation sometimes a Meditationsmudra with her ​​hands a .
During meditation, you breathe deeply and firmly . One imagines the flow of Ki in your own body before , and turns a mentally for the training. Here, the karateka solves mentally from the everyday routine , and preparing for the karate training .
Keeps the sempai the time of meditation appropriate , he continues the greeting. There is no mandatory time specification for the duration of welcome meditation. The sempai feels when he and the Kohai are ready to begin training . The Sempai finished the meditation with the command: " Mokuso yame ! " , Then open all the eyes. It, follows each command welcome . In general, if only the sensei is present, it is said: " Sensei ni rei - ! " Residential special guests of honor and champions training in them is first , paid according to the ranking of respect.
On the command " Sensei ni rei ! " carried out the greeting. It is as follows: The left hand is first placed on the ground, so that the palm of the hand from touching the ground . Now follows the right hand , it is either discontinued or deviated slightly above the left hand, so that only the finger tips of the thumb and index finger / middle finger of the right hand fingertips of the thumb and index finger / middle finger of the left hand cover . Now, the upper body is bent, that the forehead touches the fingers easily . During this bow in the knees students and masters speak the mutual greeting : " Ossu " from . It is the variant that you , pausing at Bow, just before the head reaches the hands halfway , raises his head to the Master and mutually look for a moment. After the brief eye contact , the head is lowered to the hands and greeted . This variant comes directly from the tradition of Bushido .
After the oral greeting ( " Ossu !") The karateka aligns the upper body again, so takes the position during meditation again.
Now the master is on first, then the senpai . The Sempai are now either a character or command that the Kohai may collect . Getting up is carried out in reverse order of Abknien . That is, the right leg dissolves first from the ground and is set up and used in a standing position to the left foot , so that one is in the " Musubi -dachi " again . The palms are on the outer thigh .
Well, where are all facing in the " Musubi -dachi " , bows to be standing up and greet each other with : " Ossu " The upper body is thereby bent at an angle of about thirty degrees.
After this bow , the traditional greeting is completed. The Master is now continuing with the training .In many traditional schools and associations , it is also customary to leave recite ( on behalf of all ) at the point after the greeting in the knees and before getting up the Dōjōkun or Funakoshi Gichin no Karate Do niju jo of the gelehrigsten students.The traditional adoption in training follows the same pattern as the greeting.As is usual in all other Dō - arts of strict Code of reishiki and Dōjōkun is observed in handling .Karategi
3.2 clothingEvery Karateka wearing a karate Gi , consisting of a simple laced at the waist white pants , Zubon , formerly consisting of linen, cotton and a jacket today , Uwagi called , of the same material . Is held the jacket (usually next to a light lacing ) by a colored belt, the obi . That karateka ever wore uniform workout clothes , was not self-evident . The Okinawa -Te has been trained always in robust everyday clothing. Likewise, existed in the time when karate was still a insulane martial arts , no graduation . The Master knew of the respective progress of his pupil already know. The introduction of uniform Trainigskleidung and a graduation system took place only after Funakoshi Gichins encounter with the Kodokan - founder Jigoro Kano , the precisely that induced in Judo .The introduction of uniform clothes and a graduation system can only be understood in the socio - historical context. After the Meiji Restoration , the dissolution of the samurai class and the introduction of handguns , the importance of traditional martial arts was returned addressed. With the burgeoning Japanese nationalism , the classical martial arts regained importance that had a decisive role in the course of Japanese history. You could see the martial arts as an integral part of the cultural and national identity. The martial arts ( including karate ) received the stamp of the nationalist politics of the time. The martial arts underwent a militarization of the Western type . From this perspective, the uniform clothing as a uniform, and after graduation belt colors as the hierarchy are to be understood according to military ranks . The preparation is similar in a number of military formation. Certain items are similar military stands : So looks the subject " Musubi -dachi " as the basic position at "Have Eight ! " and the " Shizen - tai " as facilitated booth at "Rest " .3.3 graduationGraduation by colored belt was probably taken from the judo. Jigoro Kano , founder of Kodokan Judo, this system has the 19th Century used the first time. Before there was no graduation by belt colors in the martial arts of Okinawa and Japan. In the graduations so-called dan is between the student grades , the so-called kyū and the master student , or master degrees, distinguished. Each of these stages is associated with a belt color . In the most common in Germany graduation exist Kyū 9 and 10 dan grades . The 9th Kyū here is the lowest level of the 10th Dan the highest.9 Kyu(White ) 8 Kyu(yellow ) 7 Kyu(orange ) 6 Kyu(green ) 5 Kyu(blue ) 4 Kyu(purple ) 3 Kyu(brown ) 2 Kyu(brown ) 1 Kyu(brown ) 1 Dan , 2nd Dan , 3rd Dan ... to 10 Dan( black)The belt colors are an invention of modern Budo . Many associations will follow besides the intended motivation of members and financial interests , as to be deposited for each test, a fee is charged.3.3.1 testsFor obtaining the next higher student or master degree examinations are on a fixed program and a waiting time , depending on Kyu and Dan grades different, filed . The programs of the tests differ from association to association , occasionally there are even differences in individual dojo . The depositing of the tests serve as an incentive and acknowledgment of achievements , like in our school system . In the tests is paid to engineering design , attitude , attention, fighting spirit, concentration and will. The overall impression is crucial . At higher degrees of master (usually from the 5th Dan ) , the theoretical part of the examination increased significantly . In a few organizations do this Dangrade be awarded only by special achievements and accomplishments . In Shoto is the 5th Dan ( Godan ) the highest award .4 PhilosophyKarate has a spiritual core ideological elements of Zen and Taoism . It is also strongly influenced by Bushido (Japanese for " Way of the Warrior " ) , the Code of the Samurai.A good insight into the principles of karate philosophy offer the "Twenty rules of Gichin Funakoshi " - " Funakoshi Gichin no Karate Do niju jo " .4.1 The 20 rules of Gichin Funakoshi1 Karate begins with respect and ends with respect .一,空手 は 礼 に 初 まり 礼 に 終る こと を 忘る な.karate wa rei ni Hajimari ni rei owaru koto o na wasuru2 In karate there is no first attack.二,空手 に 先手 無し.karate ni sente nashi3 Karate is a helper of justice.三,空手 は 義 の 補 け.karate gi wa no Tasuke4 Know yourself first , then the other .四,先 づ 自己 を 知れ 而 し て 他 を 知れ.mazu jiko o shire shikoshite hoka o shire5 The Art of the Spirit comes before the art of technology.五,技術 より 心術.gijutsu yori Shinjutsu6 It is purely a matter of freeing the mind.六,心 は 放た ん 事 を 要す.kokoro wa hanatan koto o Yosu7 Misfortune always happens due to carelessness .七,禍 は 懈怠 に 生ず.wazawai wa ni Ketai ShoZu8 Do not think that Karate is practiced only in the dojo .八,道場 のみ の 空手 と 思う な.Dojo nomi no karate to omou na9 Karate practice is, to do it for a lifetime.九,空手 の 修行 は 一生 で ある.karate no Shugyo wa Issho dearu10th Connect your everyday life with karate, then you will gain spiritual maturity.十,凡 ゆる もの を 空手 化 せ 其処 に 妙味 あり.arayuru mono o soko ni karate kase myōmi ari11 Karate is like hot water , which cools down if you do not constantly keep it warm.十一,空手 は 湯 の 如く 絶えず 熱 を 与え ざれ ば 元 の 水 に 返る.karate wa yu no gotoku taezu netsu o ataezareba moto no mizu ni kaeru12th Do not think about winning , but think about how you do not lose .十二,勝つ 考え は 持つ な,負け ぬ 考え は 必要.katsu kangae motsu wa na , makenu kangae wa hitsuyō13 Walk up depending on the opponents.十三,敵 に 因っ て 転化 せよ.teki ni yotte tenka seyo14th The battle depends on the handling of the meeting and the non- meeting.十四,戦 は 虚実 の 操縦 如何 に あり.Ikusa wa ikan ni ari kyojitsu no soju15th Imagine your hand and your foot as a sword .十五,人 の 手足 を 劔 と 思え.hito no teashi o ken to Omoe16th As soon as you step out the door , one finds a variety of enemies.十六,男子 門 を 出 づれ ば 百 万 の 敵 あり.danshimon o izureba hyakuman no teki ari17th Fixed positions are available for beginners , later moving it naturally .十七,構え は 初心者 に,あと は 自然体.kamae Shoshinsha wa ni ato wa shizentai18th The Kata must not be changed , in the fight but the opposite is true .十八,型 は 正しく,実戦 は 別もの.kata wa tadashiku , Jissen wa Betsu mono19th Hard and soft, tension and relaxation , slow and fast , all in conjunction with proper breathing.十九,力 の 強弱,体 の 伸縮,技 の 緩急 を 忘る な.chikara no kyōjaku , karada no Shinshuku , no waza o kankyū wasuru na20 Always think by yourself and try new things constantly .二十,常に 思念 工夫 せよ.Tsune ni shinen kufu seyo4.2 meditationFor a better understanding of the spiritual essence of karate can , among other things also the study of Zen also be suitable.The repetition of movements , in Kihon (Jap. " primary school" ) and Kata (Japanese for "form" ) is considered by some as masters of meditation. The Ki , ie the energy of the body , the consciousness that manifests itself for example in the coordination and responsiveness should be strengthened through physically demanding , focused and dynamic movements. Since during Kata concentration is required , and at the same time the life energy (Ki) unaffected flow of consciousness in the body , Kata is considered " active meditation " . Kata as a form of meditation is so to speak the opposite of Zen: The latter is sinking in Hesitate former immersion in the movement. Merely practicing Kata alone ( eg for the purpose of technology studies ) is still far means that the kata is practiced as a form of meditation . Only the right state of mind with which the karateka fills the Kata , turns a traditional martial action program a way to spiritual self-discovery and meditative exercise.4.3 DōThe principle of Dō (道) is found in all Japanese martial arts again and is impossible to describe comprehensively. Dō is the Japanese reading of the Chinese Tao , which is written with the same characters. It means "way " , not only in the literal sense, "street" , but also with the transferred meaning of " life cycle ", the " way of life " . Behind this are on the one hand , the Taoist - fateful principle that the Tao , the Way, is mapped out and the things pre-determined in their accuracy , and the recruitment of non-attachment and non- dependence of all things , circumstances and needs , which is taught in Zen Buddhism . The Code of Bushido goes even further: The bushi (Japanese for "warrior" ), which has internalized Bushidō , thus not only freed from all material needs, but by the desire to live at any price . The end of one's life is thus not necessarily desirable , but definitely one thing to accept , and death holds no terror. This attitude was a highly respected mental attitude , which manifested itself in many martial behaviors such as seppuku in ancient Japan . However, this must be construed in any case as contempt for one's own life or that of another . On the contrary : the sacrifice of valuable life weighed rather on any disgrace which had loaded a warrior during his lifetime to be . The seppuku , so the ritual suicide, frees the warriors of guilt and shame, and exhibited his honor restored.The Dō principle now implies many different concepts and behaviors that may not be listed exhaustively . Therefore, only a few aspects : see also Dojokun , Shoto Niju Kun

" Go the way of " life-long learning and working on yourself ; continuous improvement
Peacefulness , desire for peace , but also
Straightforwardness ; absolute determination in the struggle( "Do everything possible to avoid a confrontation . Nevertheless it Comes to the fight , so your first blow to kill . " )

Respect and thus courtesy to each individual and thing , even the enemy
"Way" community with masters and fellow students , fraternity and responsible action
Self-control , universal attention ( mindfulness ) , concentration ( Zanshin ,残 心)
Openness, commitment to understanding, acceptance
Non - striving5 TrainingThe training of the mind , of character and mental attitude are the main objectives in Karate. This is demonstrated also by the motto of the Japan Karate Association ( JKA ) :The primary objective in the art of Karate is neither victory nor defeat , but rather lies in the perfection of character by the filer .Another basic rule in karate is「 .空手 に 先手 無し」 (karate ni sente nashi ) , which means : There is no initial attack in karate .This is not the training or the competition meant as serious attack simulations belong to all Budo -Arts . Rather, the sentence illustrates the Code of Karatedo in daily life.The Karate training is based on three major pillars: the Kihon , Kata and Kumite which :5.1 Kihon基本( Kihon ) is called the basis or source of origin ( the skill ) and is often referred to as an elementary school of karate . It covers the basic techniques that form the foundation of karate . The individual techniques are always repeated , either slow or fast , powerful or easy / loose . The trajectory of each technique is broken down into all components and tries to find the ideal line of motion, there is always something to improve . The motion must be optimally internalized - reflexively available , as is for thinking, planning and acting in a real fight too little time. Inhalation, exhalation , maximum tension of the whole body at the target point are fundamental objectives of this training . In the Asian idea the center of the body and thus the force center is where should ideally also be the center of gravity . This often significant narrowing with Hara (腹, abdomen ) designated ideal point (about 2 cm below the navel ) comes with the breath training special attention to (belly breathing) . A good balance is also desirable and is often described by the finding of the " inner focus" .5.2 Kumite組 み 手( Kumite ) literally means connected hands and says the practice or the fight with a (rarely more , see Bunkai ) opponents . The Kumite is within the training is a form that allows the trainee after sufficient practice to be able to adequately defend in serious situations . Requirement is the correct understanding and practicing elementary basic techniques from Kihon and Kata. If the execution of the technique was conceived in its basic form, it applies them in Kumite . The application in the Kumite is very important , since the execution of techniques in free fight not necessarily correspond with the prescribed form , as you often have to go immediately from the fighting stance for the end position of the defense in surprise attacks . There are various forms of kumite that are always open with increasing claim of a single , agreed , repeatedly running technology, to fight free in their design :In defense techniques mainly the arms are used to block techniques. Litters , levers, hard, soft block moves or even Dodge, usually in combination with step - or sliding movements . A block-motion can be performed as an attack technique . A very good "eye" condition , is to attack the opponent in the neck with a defensive movement or a counter-attack (出会い, ' Deai ' , at the same time ) stopped.During the attack is attempted , the uncovered areas or through the cover to hit the enemy . It should be attacked as possible with absolute speed WITHOUT premature tightening the muscles concentrated because of increased use of force performs during the movement to speed losses. The force point is located at the target point of the movement. The principle of the attack technique similar to that of the arrow of an archer in impact and shock techniques and a whip snapped at techniques.5.2.1 Yakusoku Kumite约束 组 手( collusive kumite ) is the first stage of the applied at the partner / opponent technology. In this case, both partners follow a predetermined sequence of attack and defense techniques that are typically performed in alternation. The aim of this exercise is to assess the movements of the partner / opponent to learn , and to bring their own primary school techniques in first application to get a feel for distance and intensity. This form of exercise is subdivided according to difficulty.5.2.2 Jiyu Kumite自由 组 手(Battle practicing as desired ) defense and attack are freely chosen , in part, without announcement or notification.Jiyu means " freedom " or " freedom of choice" . In general: You have , no matter if you take the initiative in attack or in defense, can react from any position out freely all limiting thoughts , because you can not go immediately into a fighting position in surprising situations. So it does not matter if you block an attack , locks , goes into this or even goes to attack. It is only important to perform all his actions in such a way that one is not covered by this distracting thoughts . The head must remain cool . Similarly to all other martial arts inhibit " movements in your mind " ultimately the movements of the body. The mind must speak to flow freely to accommodate any movement of the enemy can . This form of struggle , the peak shape of the classic Karate dar. timing , distance, feeling a confident manner , a safe fight attitude, fast and smooth techniques , hardened limbs, intuitive understanding , a trained eye , security in defense , attack and counter attack ... everything should be practiced hinführend for Jiyu Kumite Kumite previously in other forms as well as in Kihon and in the kata. The latter will, however, form only in Jiyu Kumite and in randori completely : spontaneity.5.2.3 Randori乱 取り( Unrest / Disordered intercept ) is a free form of partner training , in which it comes to get a feel for the flow of battle, the movement and the energy used . It is not effective , as the fight hits to avoid at all costs, but it is strongly encouraged that the exercisers hits when well-executed attacks also allow . There are no provisions made ​​with regard to the techniques to be employed . The practitioner should rather learn the spontaneous action of the resulting situations. The Randori should be loose and relaxed , allowing a free flow of techniques and assume no competitive character .5.2.4 ( free ) fightThe free fight mimics either real self-defense situations or is the competition ( shiai ) or its preparation.Characteristic of the " traditional " Karate is the intended waiver of hit effect on opponents. Absolutely necessary is the ability to attack techniques from the finish , with a "strong" ( the opponent's body ) to lock technique because head protection is practiced without hand and . Hit -and-effect is a rule violation . " Weak " techniques do not result in classification.Full-contact karate martial systems allow and intend in the Competition Rules , the hit effect. Many of these styles also to use protective equipment such as head and teeth protection, and a special glove the knuckles and the back of the hand pads . If the freeplay performed as a competition so there are fixed rules for example, throws over the hips , kicks to the head , as well as techniques to the genital area or open hand prohibit the neck out blows for safety reasons. Without gloves attacks are prohibited with the hands or fists to the head, as in Kyokushin Kai , or there is complete protection with helmet, vest, groin guard , forearm and shin guards and possibly a surge protector used , as in Taekwondo .
5.3 Kata(型) means the form or template. A kata is a stylized and choreographed fight against several imaginary opponents , who called a fixed pattern in space, Embusen , follows. Different styles of practice in general different kata, but there are also a lot of overlap , variations and different names . Kata developed as already mentioned in the section history for compressed dissemination of the techniques of a school or a single master without the need for a written record .5.3.1 The Four Elements of Kata5.3.1.1 Bunkai分 解(analysis, decomposition ) refers to the analysis of the various measures prescribed movements of the kata , as taught in the appropriate school. The case looked at the form of the kata is called the Genki (原 拠) or base model . This refers to the original form or the origin of the Kata . Oyo応 用(Application) leaves the Genki model by the practicing individual modifications are allowed within the prescribed Katabewegungen . Some bunkai techniques do not consider the difference in size between Tori and Uke , for example . One of the two partners modified the technique to a different beat or tread than the Kata fixed predetermined . The modified and optimized karateka kata to its body size and thus leaves the Genki model. henka化 変 化(variation ) . The execution of Kata and her expression will never look the same in spite of the same movements of the performers . The punctuations within the movement , the force used in the individual techniques , the individual coordinative ability, overall constitution and many other aspects cause a kata of karate presented two can never be the same. Henka describes how the performer presents the Kata and also how he sees it. Kakushi隠し( hidden). Each kata includes the omote (表? , Surface , the visible part ) and Okuden (奥 伝, the esoteric or the invisible part). Kakushi deals with techniques that are always available though Genki model, but slumber in secret, because they are not obvious. This only jokingly referred to as " super technology" specified contents open up when the Master refers to this . In traditionally oriented dojo , these techniques are only the Uchi - deshi (内 弟子, private or master student , lit house students) taught. Kakushi is traditionally from the 4th Dan taught , as it is also known as Dan the technical experts .5.4 Other forms of training5.4.1 Tanren - MakiwaratrainingA makiwara is in the ground or on the wall firmly anchored board, made ​​of elastic wood , such as ash or hickory, etc. with fabric, leather wrapped on which one hits and kicks . The elasticity of the wood prevents too hard a rebound in the joints. The risk of injury ( abrasions and joint dislocations) nevertheless is quite high at the beginning. This training promotes bone growth of the forearms . The arm bones consist of almost hollow bones that are strengthened by this form of training . Due to the stress of the spring-back makiwara with a punch or kick , these posts are " thickened " by the body , so it accumulates more calcium in the bones. This becomes harder.5.4.2 KimetrainingThe muscles is to train the first Kime weakened. With the weakening of the body is forced to carry out the technique as efficiently as possible . Examples of the foregoing and Kimetraining attenuation would be:

Handstand pushups on the wall - Tsuki - training
Hock trek jumps - Mae -Geri - training
Tsuki - training with candles - Real Kime in the art will invalidate the candle
Makiwaratraining - With proper body tension ( Kime ) are makiwara little to no recoil .
Kata Training6 Competition / TournamentsAs part of the modern development of many karate schools of martial arts , to Martial Arts Karate Tournaments ( both kumite and kata tournaments) are practiced in some styles. As the free sparring because of the high effectiveness of many techniques in "real" battle threatens high injury and even death may result , on the one hand rule very strict rules , among other things, ensuring the safety of participants, and on the other hand, only a limited repertoire of techniques used in competition. Tournament battles are carried out with fist and Fußschützern , as well as shin guards and mouth guard .Proponents of karate competitions emphasize the sporty character of Karate and lead to the sporty and practical applicability.Critics of the Karate competitions are of the opinion that competition contrary to the true character and spirit of karate-do , and that by the greatly reduced number of used techniques, the Karate flattened and degenerated.It is basically about different points of view or interpretations : on the one hand the traditional view , the Karate sees as a martial art whose ultimate goal is the perfection of personality , and on the other hand, the sporting point of view , can be seen in karate as a martial arts, and in is desired with a sporty character , the practical application.7 Olympic GamesKarate is not an Olympic sport . However, it has been included in the list of recognized IOC sports. Many associations , inter alia, DKV , have begun to change old forms of competition and the scoring system , so as to make the karate tournament popular and suitable for the Olympics . Such changes were more frequent in the history of karate. Many of the old masters , however, were impressed by the competition thinking in terms of Karate very little , and so are still many believe that inclusion in the Olympic canon would bring another Versportlichung and the loss of many long-standing values ​​of Karatedo with it . Therefore, the inclusion in the series of Olympic sports by many karateka is viewed with extreme skepticism . For this reason, Shihan Hideo Ochi resigned from the DKV and in 1993 founded the German JKA Karate Federation , the only German branch of the Japan Karate Association ( JKA ) . This association is based more on traditional karate from Japan as defined under Masatoshi Nakayama .8 Film and MediaThe representation of Karate in American film productions low quality has to Karate missed a bad image since time immemorial. Although the positive hero consistently karate or a similar martial art use to defeat the evil , but often remains a stale aftertaste. The lines between good and evil blur in these B- movies , often names as Karate-Warrior/Tiger/Kid/Fighter , only too easily . The Good and the bad guys do not differ in their methods , but only in their motives .A common scheme is to be observed :The hero loses parents / siblings / old friend / uncle or similar murder or kidnapping to the person or evil , what should justify a leisurely revenge crusade . The hero is either an old hand in the fight business or a young nose Weis, who is taught by a wise old master, until he can defeat the evil.Despite the occasionally touched upon moral teachings , the character school of Karate remains in the background . Karate is guaranteed in the hands of disciplined hero to a mere tool , the fighting power .A protagonist but whose essential characteristic of which is determined by how many boards / bricks / blocks of ice he can smash , is hardly a suitable model for the thing that has Karate actually written on the flags .


Samurai Jiu Jitsu was practiced in order to continue to fight for a ban or loss of the main weapons (sword, spear , sword, spear , bow, etc.), unarmed or with secondary weapons .
1 GeneralJiu Jitsu is an ancient Japanese martial arts and is one of the oldest and most " venerable " .The general fitness is promoted by intensive fitness training at the beginning of each workout .The exact origin of the ancient martial art Jiu Jitsu - formerly also Yawara , Tai Jutsu , Kempo , Hakuda , Aiki [ Ju ] Jutsu , Kogusoku , Koshi No Mawari , Kumi Uchi torite , etc. Shubaku called - is hardly clearly identifiable today .He then asked the immense physical strength were a prerequisite for the execution of the techniques . Back in Japan, taught the Akiyama Hakuda brought from China , but many of his apprentices turned away from this power - stressed system. [1]

This creates the many ways to transcribe " The Gentle Art " (Japanese柔 术) . According to the official Japanese phonetic transcription , would have the kanji " Jujutsu " or " Juujutsu " (pronounced Dschuu - dschtsu , the first U is spoken in Dschuu long ) are übertargen into Latin .

It is e.g. usual , before entering and leaving the training hall (Japanese dojo ) , at the entrance of the dojo and the SHOMEN therein assembled with a bow in the state (Japanese立 礼, ritsurei ) welcome (described below ) .The beginning and end of each Jiu -Jitsu trainings are committed to a common greeting ceremony and a short meditation (Japanese mokuso ) .

The following ceremony varies between associations and dojos . But you make the principle clear.

This tradition dates back to the time in the schools ( Ryu ) could be attacked at any time by competing Ryu and the fact that the master was away up - far from the entrance of the dojo was possible to better defend it. [2 ]
Executed properly , can remain so hours .
There is no mandatory time specification for the duration of welcome meditation. He finished the meditation with the command : " Mokusso Jamé " (Japanese for "Meditation end ! " ), And then open all the eyes.
Follows directly from the Welcome Sempai command : " Sensej -ni rei " (Japanese for " bow to the master! " ) And all students bowing the knee level (Japanese座 礼, Zarei ) to the teachers :
The palm of the left hand slides forward and is about a cubit from the knees down on mat.
( The end does not touch the fingers , because the bow is not the student's submission before the Master . With a view to the mat could out of the corner of his eye , an attacker still be seen from the front . )

Jiu Jitsu is trained barefoot and in a special suit (Japanese Keiko -Gi ) .

Keiko -Gi - A suit (Japanese Keiko -Gi ) traditionally white color - color and shape may vary from association to association :
And only with the growing Japanese nationalism won the classic martial arts regained importance . [3]5 graduationCentury used the first time.
Depending on studying for kyu or dan grade the test program and the waiting time - from the respective Association - fixed.

This further subdivision of the student graduations in DJJB serves to better prepare the students for the black belt :Kyu
For the masters degree examinations are defined criteria and test programs - also different from association to association . It is - in most organizations - the examination for the fifth Dan the last technical inspection, which can be saved and more graduations are awarded for outstanding achievements in and for the association.

Partial and strips are sewn on to distinguish the black belt - Dan first five degrees , the number of which corresponds to the respective degree Dan .