QUESTION: Which is more difficult to defend, a gun or knife attack?

ANSWER: The truth is any weapon attack is very dangerous. But surprisingly I believe a knife is much more dangerous. Here's why... Some would say that the gun affords the attacker the ability to shoot you from a distance so that you could not defend yourself at all. This, of course might be true... However, you have to consider intention. If his intention was simply to kill you then he, in fact, might be able to do this. I think you'll agree that most gun attacks are used to intimidate the victim and get him/her to do something. Whether it be give him your money, jewelry, your car or force you to comply with a burglary or rape. The chances that you will have a close range opportunity to defend is strong. A knife always requires close range unless the attacker is using a throwing knife. In that case the intention is not to intimidate but to injure or kill. Not the usual use of the knife.

So let's assume that 99% of gun attacks and a high percentage of knife attacks are intended to intimidate and coerce you to comply with some action (robbery, burglary, rape, etc.). Statistics say that intimidation/coercement attacks happen at close range. If that is the case I would much rather deal with a gun.

Why? Once you control the gun wielding arm/wrist you are reasonably save to counterattack your opponent. As long as the line of fire is controlled (away from you) you are pretty safe from being hit. Yes, you might experience powder burns and actual burns from a hot barrel but for the most part you won't even feel those until the battle has ended.

 With a knife all the above is NOT true. You can have full control of the arm or wrist and still sustain severe or even lethal cuts. You may have a strong grip on the knife hand/wrist/arm and while you are counter striking and have a razor sharp blade cut your brachial artery in your upper arm or your femoral artery on the inside of your upper leg.

You could bleed out before you are able to get help. Look, dealing with any weapon (contrary to the movies) is never a picknick. None of want to face this type of attack. But I would much rather deal with a gun than a knife anytime. There an instructor who supposedly teaches for the FBI and who has been a body guard for a number of celebrities who says: 1.

If the predator has a gun and you are not under his control, ALWAYS run!

 2. POLICE only make 4 of 10 shots when they are in range of 3-9 feet. This is due to stress. 3. If you run in a zig zag fashion, the predator will only hit you (a running target) 4 in 100 times. And even then, it most likely WILL NOT be a vital organ. RUN! Take it for what it's worth!




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