We live in a World where small and weaker people might be persecuted anywhere worldwide by stronger and taller people .
Just because they are Not tall and weak they might be forced to do things which they don`t want to do!
Unbelievable even Police can not stop that ...although We live almost in 2014 by now!
This thing are happening since Human exists.
Strong and big guys ruls against weak and short kind off people!
Big fish eats small fish are the ruls of nature!
Every second is happening some attack anywhere in a world : big strong versus other usualy weaker one !
What about Krav Maga ? Does this self defense art kind off have something to say against this !
Well somebody may thing that small body and weak people specially we are talking here about women or people awhich handicapped in compare to other side off big man body structure so in that sin they might be underdogs by any attack on them by a bigger and stronger man .
That`s correct but what if we take any women and learn them just basic tecnics of Krav Maga or even better more advanced technique of Krav maga such as Commando Krav Maga.
Guess what it will happen?
Does a rapper (or any other attack) attempt on a women by a bad big Guy will succeed?
Well KRAV MAGA Instructores says :Off course no!
According to our knowledge only by learning basic self defense Commando Krav Maga Techniques :
Against Different Choke Attacks
Against Gun / Knife Attack
Attack from behind
Differnt Pushes
Different kick techniques
Round kick and strikes
Lock technics.....
Hit and run for your life!!
Will be enough to survival for any man or women and body size and strength absolutely doesn`t matter!
Remember here we are speaking by not including more special advanced technicians from Commando Krav Maga with them any women or man will successfully reject any kind off attack attempt on them or by against anyone small body size kind off anywhere on the world.
How sure we are ..well Just watch the video below and you will change your mind.
Weaker and small body does not mean automatically that it can be easy go Knocked down!.
Here are some possible examples.