Would you probably give a much chance to a big guy like a football professional in a fight with anybody there outside ,due to his massive body size ?
Probably yes. ! .
But reality could be much different!
Doesn't`t matter your body size even if your much stronger then your opponent ,it can`t help you if you stands in front of knife armed attacker !
Without Krav Maga skills you can see clearly how this two strong Guys like Ex -American football player (see video below) ,and a famous Wrestler ,would be probably dead in just a couple of minutes if t hey were involved in a real fight with a knife armed attacker somewhere!.
But by learning basic skills with Krav Maga techniques, by real Krav Maga Instructor, they survival chances will take a huge boost ,if that fight could ever occure somewhere.
So Krav Maga is a must know for all of us to survive in this dangerous World.
Unlike Karate Krav Maga is combined with simultaneous strength as one arm blocks the other hand jass the opponents in the wicked area.
Because you don't have time to move you arm in a surprise attack, bursting as effective is doesn't come from rotations of power of torso, instead is driven by the legs which brings you forward into your opponent.
Both the blocks anth the strike land with 300 pound power force ,more than enough to breake your body bones or fracture the delicate bones of the face.
This krav maga bursting Technique is great as in another Martial Art because you Block and you hit in the same time and that's more effective to beat your opponent.
In video below is great example that body size and wrestling skills and fight experiences somewhere in a ring are quit different to those in a real world of today.
After they realized that they body strength and until now fight -experience is nothing comparing to a real conflict situation they (ex footballer and his friend - the wrestler) went to International Federation Headquarter of Krav Maga which is based in Natanya in Israel.They are desperate to learn ultimate self defense techniques of Krav Maga. They will learn also how to deal with: multiple targets ,multiple well as famous Krav Maga Technique:
-360 ° Defense Krav Maga Technique.
It requires to keep your body in motion in all time using your arms to defend all types of attackes.
The key is kipping your arms in blink level ,open and straight so you don`take any blow straight on!
Aches deflected down your level of your forener which reduces its impact.
This technique is a similar to Shorei-Kan Karate but modified to a fight with multiple opponents.
You should be able to use this technique in all variations ,in all angles ,in all directions. This Technique helps how to counter all kind off attacks,a must learn technique especially that the most common attack is specially with a hand by circular attack.
360° condition the fighters perceptual reaction the time it takes to identify a threat and react against it.
-Average Humans Reaction time is on average in 1,5 sec.
360 Defense training, srengthen action connection to the brain, by raising responses time to a 0.015 sec .(tenth of a second !).that`s fast as a mouse click on a computer!
This is different to what they bin used to know till now with a rule based fight against one opponent in ring with a judge insid off it.
In a real life fight outthere there is no judge and no rules!!
They would learn how aggression and effort are big part of Self Defense .
Also you will be introduced with International Krav Maga Headquarter in Israel,
where as Head Krav Maga Instructor works Eyal Yanilov.He explains in a video that krav maga is integrated system to prepare a person to deal with a real type of conflicts.
In this place are trained most of international security forces and the most of bodyguard which they work for the riches people in a world .
After learning 360° Krav Maga technique anybody doesn't matter of body size or fight experiences ,survival chances will massively be boosted and that's the purpose of Krav Maga !
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