kRAV mAGA - Fitness

"When it comes to fitness training outside
of the mats then running, cycling or rowing
are all great methods of GPP fitness for Krav Maga .

But don't get pulled down the road of seeing how
many miles you can do - it will not improve you
on the mats.

If you are training for a marathon or iron man
event, then that WOULD be different.

But then that will become SPP training not GPP!

It's the same with weight training. You must
remember if you are training to improve your
martial arts skills DON'T train like a
body builder.

Doing split routines, chest and triceps, back
and biceps, multiple sets, sitting down bicep
curling WON'T cut it.

That is certainly SPP for a bodybuilder and
possibly GPP for you if you want to look
good on the beach.

Looking good is always desirable but it DOESN'T
help when you are being PUNCHED in the face
relentlessly and you are 'blowing out of your

Your weight work should have GPP exercises such
as dead lifts, squats, pull ups, clean and press,
bent over rows, shoulder press and triceps dips
for example. Then more SPP work such as cables to
mimic fight moves, explosive kettle bell swings
and snatches, barbell high pulls and dumbbell
clean and presses for wrestling power.

Chuck in some sandbag lifts, rope climbing and
sledge pulling or pushing and we are getting

Do NOT waste your time with single static muscle
work. Try to avoid sitting down on anything. You
don't sit down in a fight. Work from standing,
kneeling or lying as you mirror a fight.

It takes knowledge and expertise so seek out a
good personal trainer that knows about fighting
and Martial arts. NOT one who can do boxercise
or spends his spare time sat looking at youtube
for their fitness routines.

Get somebody who has been there and done it.

Yes it will COST you but it is money and time
well invested and it is money put to better
use than down the pub."

Fitness is ESSENTIAL but you will get fit
anyway In Krav Maga training Lessons by running through your techniques
drilling, rolling and sparring.