My Favourite 3 Pressure Points On Krav Maga!

Krav Maga

But I set him a challenge of picking just
three as his favourites...

Starting today - I`ll takes you through his
best 3 pressure points...

"The areas detailed in the next few days
have proven over time to work and work well
even in the most extreme cases.

These weak areas of the body have been
utilised by Martial Arts Masters for
hundreds of years.

They work and work very well. As such
EXTREME care MUST be taken when practicing
these techniques On Krav Maga.

You should always be aware of and adhere to
the laws of self-defence as they apply to
your country.

The first point is four-finger widths up
from the inside ankle bone.

For the very best results simply toe punt this
area hard or stamp on it.

It causes a massive energy drain on the body
and a huge shock to the system as a whole.

A strike here makes the head very weak. In
some cases a very hard strike will result
in a K.O and / or a broken leg.

The strike will also split the legs, causing
your opponent to lose balance and leave his
groin open to attack.

Kick it as hard as you can - either straight
in or down with a stomp On Krav Maga."