Confronted with a mugger armed with a blade?

The news seems to report a tragic knife
crime just about everyday at the moment...

"Unfortunately, a lot of people young and
old have found themselves confronted with
a mugger armed with a blade demanding
money or valuables.

What can you do in this situation?

Do you give up your valuables?

Do you fight back?

Will you risk being hurt?

What should you do?

First of all let's examine the manner
of the attack.

You are held up at knife point. That
means the attacker hasn't made up his
mind to attack you yet or they may NOT
wish to use it at all.

They are making the knife a psychological

They feel the presence of the knife will
MAKE you succumb to their demands.

They are carrying the knife as a psychological
boost, a confidence giver.

They may be an out and out coward but it
is an EXTREMELY dodgy job finding out.

As I said they may not intend to actually
use the knife but changing circumstances
or sheer desperation may force their hand.

An example is a junkie looking for a fix -
a VERY unpredictable assailant.

How important are your valuables?

A lot of self defense books, courses and
magazines recommend giving up your wallet,
handbag or purse.

They are not as important as your life.

This is good, sound and sensible advice.

The average person may accept this and
give up their belongings.

But others may not.

You may be furious that some LOW LIFE
wants to relieve you of your hard earned
money and valuables.

A fair point and one that isn't easy to

Each one of you will have your own thoughts
on this matter. It's a personal thing."