Whether MMA training helps in the world of Reality based self defence systems (RBSDS)?

This week Stewart McGill, the owner of
the UKs largest Krav Maga club and founder
of the 'Urban Krav Maga' system,-
gives us his views on whether MMA training
helps in the world of Reality based self
defence systems (RBSDS).

Today Stewart put the case forward FOR

"Punching people around the head ISN'T the
best idea if you want to keep the hands good
for the piano but it's what most of the bad
guys want to do to you - so it's good to learn
how to counter attack punches effectively
against somebody who knows what they're
doing, and is REALLY trying to hit you.

Conversely, if you want to survive a REAL
confrontation, being able to hit somebody hard
and fast with some vicious combinations is a
useful tool in the arsenal.

A student of mine was recently forced into a
row in a nightclub and hit the assailant so
hard that the latter was left on the ground
twitching and minus 2 teeth...

Sure my guy had a hand injury that was painful
for a couple of months - but which party to the
fight would you rather be?

Going to the ground is not good. But it can be
very useful to know how to effect a quick and
VICIOUS takedown like the best MMA guys - more
on this later this week...

Also, on the ground many RBSDS teach only a
limited number of escapes from a variety of
situations but do not focus on Plan B, i.e what
do you do if a non-compliant opponent resists
the escape and move to a new position.

Spending a bit of time rolling with accomplished
MMA guys  should in my view be a requirement for
all RBSDS teachers. It drives home the practical
application of some of the principles of ground
defence and  gives you a broader range of tools,
including a few Plan Bs."

Thanks Stewart