Criminals are stupid...violent criminals
are EVEN stupider.
That's a dangerous thing to say, but
it's a conclusion I've come to after
years of studying the self-defence
Take, for example,the court case of these
five teenagers in Liverpool who stabbed
a rival gang member to death.
The stupidity is STRONG with these ones.
Starting with the fact that they stabbed
the dude to death in revenge for a crime
he had nothing to do with, but that can
be written off as typical gang-think.
Then you have the fact that they went
and bragged about what they did on
Facebook. How STUPID do you have to be?
Then, it came out in the court case
against them that every one of them is
literally stupid.
To be precise, "All of the gang were later
assessed as having reading or verbal
skills at levels normally seen in younger
This isn't to say that criminals AREN'T
dangerous in fact, in a lot of ways, it's
their stupidity that makes them dangerous.
But, as Lee Morrison says, "The result
of the body's instinctive reaction to
the threat of combat is that we are
now reduced to the intelligence of a dog."
Don't let them DRAG you down to their
level by scaring the wits out of you.