Defending yourself with Krav Maga on the floor.

"If pulled down close by an opponent, immediately
bite into nose, ear, cheek or neck for a release -
then gouge into the windpipe with a claw hand
squeezing it shut or thumb gouge into the eyes or
ram finger up their nostrils and rip...

Grabbing the hair or ears and banging the head
on the floor has quite a 'sobering' effect on
your would be attacker. So has a fast choke

If you feel you are losing balance in this
'mount' position, lean over and rest your hands
on the floor. Put your chest into opponents face, then
when he pushes you off, take his straight arm,
pivot off his chest to the side and dislocate
the elbow with the famous cross arm-bar.

Make sure you DRIVE the heel of your arm
into the face and body of your opponent
to prevent them attempting biting your leg.

If you go down underneath, then get the opponent
between your legs in 'the guard' position.

If he attempts to punch you, pull him forward
in the scissors until he loses his balance. Then
pull his head down to yours and bite into his
ear, and get one of your feet between his legs
and flip him over and off.

If he is strangling you, push back with your
legs and hips, grab his straightened arm and
swing your foot over his neck and pull him
over and down for the cross arm-bar again!

If he has mounted your chest and is choking
you, drive your thumbs up into his eyes, then
grab the back of his head and his chin and
crank his neck around in a hard twist to
take him off your body."