Disarming a Weapon Wielding Attacker. (Krav Maga)

"Over the years many articles have been
written for martial arts publications on 
the subject of disarming a weapon wielding
attacker. (Krav Maga)

Each system has their own methods and ideas. 
Many top-class martial artists have shown 
in photo strip their particular techniques 
for foiling a weapon assault, with what 
looks like relevant ease.

I would like to draw your attention to the
dangers of weapon disarming and the 
essential physical and psychological 
skills needed to have a chance in a REAL 

I train people and drill them in my
particular ideas to give them EVERY chance
of surviving, through realistic attitude
and approach and spending hours training 
with and against all manner of street

The subject is NOT treated lightly or as 
a few 'magical' tricks. Weapon disarming is 
a science, an art in itself.(Krav Maga)

For the sake of the length of this piece, 
I will discuss methods of dealing with an 
attack with a club or cosh, although the
majority of the tactics and concepts 
discussed are relevant to MOST weapons.

So, firstly let's make no mistake disarming
an assailant in highly dangerous, not 
impossible but EXTREMELY hazardous.

Even 25 years martial art experience 
or a 5th Dan black belt does not
guarantee anything whatsoever.

You MUST cultivate the right mental
attitude, you must accept the dangers, 
accept you may be hit, cut, stabbed,
etc., accept there may be blood, pain,
fear, panic, then learn to blot all 
that out and have just one thought - 

Keep that single minded attitude that
whatever happens you WILL fight on and
win; you will NOT be a victim.

Constant, serious and intense training 
with realistic techniques are the only
way to stand a chance. Notice I said
'chance' - there are no guarantees!

With defences against a club or a cosh,
most people will agree that maybe it is
a less psychologically frightening 
prospect than a knife but you still 
must understand the injuries a club 
can inflict.

A club can be anything from a baton,
piece of wood or pipe to a scaffold 
bar or a hammer. They are called blunt 
instruments used to bludgeon the 
head/neck area."
 The advantages a club wielding
attacker will have over you are -a 
greater reach with the weapon than 
without it, a much more lethal 
impact, than if it was the bare hands
and a psychological edge from having 
a weapon and you not having one.

Remember,  you are not fighting a
one armed man. Obviously the weapon 
arm is a priority to control but 
remember don't place yourself in a 
position where the attacker can use his
other or his feet, knee, head, etc.

Many of the fancy 'come-along' control
techniques just DON'T work against a 
hardened street attacker.

If he isn't instantly subdued he WILL
gouge for your eyes, knee your groin, 
butt your face, Etc

Remember you cannot be sure what the
attacker is like. Is he wielding a club 
as a 'front' and 'bravado' or is he 
going to stove your head in? 

Will he submit after your first blow,
lock, throw, etc. or will he come 
back twice as hard fighting?

My theory on disarming is, if you have 
no choice, go in hard, fast and BRUTAL,
do what you have to, to eliminate the
threat. As I mentioned previously, this 
is NO game. It can be a life or death 
situation. You must get it over as fast 
as possible.

Also, going up against a weapon is your 
last resort, no matter how skilful you
think you are. 

Too many so called 'experts' have ended 
up in hospital or the grave, carrying 
that foolish attitude with them.

Use anything at hand to help you in a pub,
club, etc. use a chair to defend and 
cover then kick low to the groin, knees or 
shins, or push a table into the attacker's 
legs to unbalance them and buy time. 

If available throw pool balls or pick up
a cue as an equalizer.

Throwing a heavy ashtray is also a good 
option and as a last resort throw your
pint into attacker's face, (what a waste) 
then kick the groin.

In the street dustbin lids are great
shields to foil attackers and also great
'frisbees' to throw and escape.

These tactics are all 'sound' and are what 
REAL  effective and sensible martial arts 
is all about.
/(Krav Maga)
Remember we are not fighting for points or
trophies and there are no rules. 

If you are bound by a set of rules or 
ethics be warned that you WILL perish in 
the street.(Krav Maga)

If some of you reading this think these 
tactics are not martial arts then get 

These tactics have been used for centuries
in one form or another...they work!"




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