'Multiplied Force Fighting System'

Is  'Multiplied Force
Fighting System' offer closing down?

Nah - it isn't actually...but I DID want
to attract your attention so you'd look
at Russell's offer ONE LAST TIME.


Because, chances are, you will probably
NEVER get round to taking a look at Russ'
material...unless you take a final look today,
and try it for yourself without any risk 

Why do I say you'll probably 'never get
round to taking a look...?'

Because things happen. Stuff gets in the way.

And then you'll never get round to it. 

That's a shame, because if you check out what other
people are saying about Russell and his work, 
then you should know that this is really powerful

One last time: if you've not checked out Russell's
Internet offer yet...get yourself over to:

...and see what all the fuss is about. This
stuff WILL blow you away - no matter how experienced
you are, or what you've trained in before.

We seriously believe that EVERYONE involved in
street self-defence MUST check out Russ' material!

It doesn't matter what your experience level - and 
that's the beauty of this - since you can STILL pick up 
and use what Russ knows.
 I don't know whether you got all of
Russell Stutely's Multipled Force 
Fighting System course parts - but
hopefully you did...

...and if you did, hopefully you have
gotten a SMALL taster of what Russell
is all about.

But no single course part like this is
going to ever give away the farm. Won't

And that's why I'd urge you to check out
Russell's complete course 'The Multiplied
Force Fighting System'...

Throughout, you'll learn how Russell's
approach is gradually CHANGING the way guys
like us look at protecting ourselves on the
street - and why this is so different to
anything else out there today.

There's NO RISK in checking out Russell's
full DVD training. No obligtion at all.

You might well think you've 'seen it all before'...
but once you get Russell's FULL training DVDs, 
I reckon you'll be hurriedly changing your mind.

So if you've not yet checked out the full
details, get yourself over to...



"INTIMIDATION"... "To deter by threats", "to frighten into submission".... Human Psychology of Self Defence !

The Four D'S' on Self Defence ( KRAV MAGA)

How to use pressure points in a street confrontation?

Disarming a Weapon Wielding Attacker. (Krav Maga)

"Will traditional Martial arts work in a street confrontation?"

Putting Together Your Self Defense Puzzle

What many think of when you say "Self Defense"?

 'Shocker Defence Technique'

Kiai Self Defence..

Five Thousand Self Defence Techniques!!

The 'Shocker SELF Defence Technique' l


Subject: Military Self Defense

Self Defense Question :"How can I overcome the adrenal rush?"

Strength Training for Self Defense

What many think of when you say "Self Defense" (Krav Maga)

Effective Use Of Pressure Points in Self Defense ( Krav Maga)

Dealing With the Effects of the Adrenal Rush / How to control it on Self Defence - Special forces Combatives..

Defending on Angles

Point of Reference Repetition

The Concept of Continuous Attack!

Using Distraction in Self Defense

Your most devastating weapons!

 More on Blocking in Self Defense

How can we learn to prevent fear during a street attack?

Assertive Behavior l

Blocking in Self Defense

QUESTION: Which is more difficult to defend, a gun or knife attack?

Shocking CNN News Article on College Rapes!

Hitting with incredible power.

Nine Important Self Defense Tips

Women's self defense!      

'Multiplied Force Fighting System    

The Use of Throws in Self Defense.