Hitting with incredible power.
Video Clips Recently I wrote you about the Multiplied ForceFighting System that I have recently purchased and reviewed. As I said that many of the self defense programs I review are not really much good. In fact I think many will get you into trouble if you actually tried to execute some of this stuff on the street. Most of these are not worth very much in my opinion but occasionally I find one which is good. This one is really good.
I mentioned last time that several of the instructors at my school and I have been working with the 'wave form' striking principles and the power you can generate is really awesome. While it's hard to measure, I think we are increasing the power in our strikes by 40 or 50 percent.
Now realize these are experienced black belts that have been training from 15 to 40 years (including myself). I think beginners or even semi-experienced martial artists can literally double (or maybe even triple) their power. I promised in a past newsletter that I would try to get some video clips for you to show you what I am talking about. A picture truly is worth a thousand words.
Ian finally sent a couple to me recently and I have them up on a web page for you to see. He didn't quite give me the ones I really wanted where you see Russel Stutely literally knocking a pretty big guy halfway across the room. But the ones I have are of a more practical nature and give you a glimpse at the incredible power you can develop using this system.
After trying this out a few times I can tell you that this was breakthrough stuff. It takes a little practice to get the rhythm of the of 'wave form' striking but it doesn't take long to 'get it'.
"INTIMIDATION"... "To deter by threats", "to frighten into submission".... Human Psychology of Self Defence !
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'Multiplied Force Fighting System'
Disarming a Weapon Wielding Attacker. (Krav Maga)
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Hitting with incredible power.
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'Multiplied Force Fighting System
The Use of Throws in Self Defense.