It’s them against you! Your heart’s racing, your mouth is dry, your hands are sweating and you suddenly realize that this is life or death! The “safe moves” won’t cut it out on the streets
2:13pm Tuesday
From: Jeff Anderson, President
International Society of Close Quarter Combatants Wednesday, October 02, 2013
From: Jeff Anderson, President
International Society of Close Quarter Combatants Wednesday, October 02, 2013
Look my friend...
I’m not going to waste your time with a bunch of
garbage about “why self defense is important” and all that. You should
already know that it's everyone's right and responsibility to be able
to protect themselves and those they love.
You’re here because you want something more, right?
You’re here because you want real-life, no-holds-barred street fighting techniques that are designed to break, crush and maim your attackers. You want the details on “dirty” street fighting techniques that are made for survival – and may even save your life.
None of this “twist your foot this way”
or “move your wrist an extra half inch” crap that anybody can spout off
in some kind of “karate 101” book. The common street criminal knows
that he doesn't need to be a 10th degree black belt to kick the living
snot out of "Average Joe Citizen".
He knows this because while you are walking
around confident in your own safety and security, he's bloodying his
knuckles in real street combat! That means that...
...unless you've served hard time or been locked in real
hand-to-hand combat in a war zone, you're at a severe disadvantage
in a real street fight! Until now! Because...
hand-to-hand combat in a war zone, you're at a severe disadvantage
in a real street fight! Until now! Because...
What I’m About to Show You is Designed to
Slaughter Your Opponent. Not Stun, Not Knock Down –
But Brutally Decimate Them!
Slaughter Your Opponent. Not Stun, Not Knock Down –
But Brutally Decimate Them!
But Wait! Before You Continue Reading...
...I just need you to promise me one thing. That is – that you’ll only use what I’m about to show you to defend yourself WHEN ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY.
These moves are designed to cripple, maim and possibly even kill
an attacker. This is precisely why they’re not allowed in any sport
fighting or cage fighting match. They’re that dangerous and that
And that’s exactly why you need to have
them “under your belt”. Because these moves could be all that’s
standing between you and some tattooed street thug who wants to rip you
limb from limb.
Please don't take what I just said lightly.
If you're like me and take your role as a "Protector" seriously, then Idon't want YOU to stop where
so many other people do! You see...
so many other people do! You see...
WANTING To Protect Yourself And Your Loved Ones Is One Thing - Knowing HOW To
Be A "Protector" When You're Unarmed & Outnumbered Is Another!
Be A "Protector" When You're Unarmed & Outnumbered Is Another!
And it doesn't even matter if you
think you "know how to fight" or think you're big and tough enough to
handle yourself if you ever come face-to-face with a real street fight,
burglar, home invader, or just pissed off parking lot bully.
a decorated combat veteran, former bodyguard, and security
professional, I've seen experienced fighters fall prey to relying on
what they thought were hardcore self defense techniques they'd drilled
over and over again in their local martial arts school.
But in the heat of battle, all
those fancy moves were laughed at by "untrained" scumbags who didn't see
the need to fight by the same rules. That's why I decided to take
matters into my own hands and show you the secrets that are only known
by hardened gangbangers, prison inmates, and a handful of "dangerous
men" who
...and it combines every technique, every move and every strategy you’ll ever need to know to help destroy your opponent in a real life street fight.
Even martial arts contests and cage fighting
matches have made these moves illegal because they understand just how
easily they can critically injure a fighter. I’m not going to
sugar-coat it – these moves are devastating, and they’re exactly the
moves you’ll want to know when you’re suddenly jumped by a horde of gang
members or your loved ones are scared for their lives.
When it comes down to it – sometimes, the only thing standing between you and survival are your street smarts.
Let’s face it, all those “safe moves” like
throws and holds that you learned at the martial arts class at the YMCA
aren’t going to help you one bit in a real life encounter. Your
training partner, who lets you get in a few solid grabs, throws or
punches isn’t going to be there to test your strength.
Instead, you’re surrounded by three big, bulky
guys intent on robbing and possibly killing you. They’re not going to
let you “get in” any “good moves”. With "Street Fighting Uncaged",
you’ll get all the crucial moves and step-by-step techniques you need
to fend off virtually any attack – even if you’re outnumbered!
No expensive hours and hours in front of a mirror
"punching the air"...and no bowing, rituals, or special equipment!
"punching the air"...and no bowing, rituals, or special equipment!
In Fact, You Can Even Walk Through These Techniques
ON YOUR OWN To Quickly Master Fight-Ending Moves Like :
ON YOUR OWN To Quickly Master Fight-Ending Moves Like :
How to "trick" your attacker into opening up his most vulnerable targets, practically begging you to take him out with one single strike! (He won't even know he's being set up...and won't see his mistake until he's lying on his back in sheer agony!) Page 19 | |
Rip your opponent to shreds in close quarters combat! You'll have complete control over his body once you combine this simple hand movement with a nearby wall to break bones, cause concussions and render your attacker helpless. Page 44 | |
Become a bare-knuckled brawler! Cushioning your hands with padding and gloves doesn’t work on the street. Discover the "knockout tecnique" that's proven countless times (in bars and real street combat!) to be more effective than your heaviest haymaker at dropping an opponent to the ground like a bag of dirt. Pages 23-24 | |
How to "drill" into soft tissue spots like an oil rigger to cause instant and uncontrollable panic in your attacker and shut down his ability to fight! Page 27 | |
A 3-inch "hidden-in-plain-sight" target that no one - not even elite spec ops soldiers - recognize as one of the most debilitating spots on the human body! (Yet the one simple move I'll show you on pages 29-30 is so easy to pull off that even a 6-year old little girl could leave an attacker in a bloody mess, screaming in pain! No hype!) | |
A strange "split-second/instant pain" move that requires absolutely no skill or practice to master...and works even BETTER against bigger attackers with some meat on their bones! (You can even test it on YOURSELF!) Pages 42-43 |
And That's Just The Beginning!
These Moves Aren’t Difficult And
You’ll Be Amazed As You Find Yourself
Quickly Mastering Them...Practically OVERNIGHT!
You’ll Be Amazed As You Find Yourself
Quickly Mastering Them...Practically OVERNIGHT!
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