"INTIMIDATION"... "To deter by threats", "to frighten into submission".... Human Psychology of Self Defence !

"INTIMIDATION"... "To deter by threats",
 "to frighten into submission".
Two dictionary definitions of the word. 
We've all faced it, used it and been
influenced by it. 

We grew up with it and all our adult 
lives are continually being altered by 
it. But what exactly is it, and how do 
we conquer it?

Perhaps the first step is to try and 
understand a little about it, never 
forgetting that sometimes intimidation 
is so subtly hidden that we often 
miss it.

My old Sensei once said that intimidation
works best when we allow it to. We can 
often refuse it, but most often, we don't.

We experience many forms of intimidation
from  a very early age and it becomes the
norm almost as soon as we understand 
language. "If you don't eat your dinner 
you won't get any ice cream" or 
"wait until dad gets home, he'll give you
a good hiding". As children we face it
daily, from this and other forms of 
intimidation from parents, teachers, peers,
older children etc.

It's not surprising then, that we become
so used to being intimidated, often so
much, that we actually come to expect it.

Animals (including us) use many forms of 
intimidation, with the hopeful result of 
this being more or less the same 

The defeat of the prey or the retreat of the 

Man of course can be EITHER the hunter or the 

By beating their chests, gorillas intimidate
others so they are no longer a threat. Other 
animals use other forms of intimidation
including visual: Some creatures mimic 
looking like more dangerous ones, simply to
avoid being eaten. Others use sound, snarls,
screams etc to intimidate would be predators.
The list is endless but the object is always
the same: to intimidate would be attackers 
from actually attacking.

Human forms of intimidation are similarly 
diverse and include the visual, verbal and 
physical. There ARE others but for the 
purpose of the newsletter, three will suffice
and we will take them in order showing how 
they affect us, and how we can best deal with

Hopefully, also in the process, you will be
able to turn the tables on your aggressor.

The three are.

Visual intimidation

Verbal intimidation 

Covert/subtle intimidation.
 "This takes the form of size and 
appearance, regardless of the truth
or otherwise of the situation, size 
is invariably linked with hardness,
"Bigger is harder". I know people who 
have worn several sweaters under 
there clothes to give the impression
of being bigger, thus 'harder'. 

Some men actually take up bodybuilding 
for the reason that they look bigger. 
Hoping that an increase in muscular
size will act as a deterrent against
threats, the truth of the matter is 
that big arms DON'T always make big

I do admit that a guy in good muscular 
condition will probably be a bigger 
handful than one who is clearly right
out of condition.

The large and muscular man who spreads
his "lats", puffs out his chest and
stretches himself to the tallest height
and biggest size, is often doing so to 
hopefully intimidate a smaller would-be

A broken nose, tattoos, scars, certain 
hair and clothing styles can all give 
certain visual impressions, thus a 
form of intimidation. Just think about
the impression given by skinhead 
haircuts, leather jackets, uniforms, 
even Gi's and the colour of the belt.

The second type of intimidation we are 
going to cover is 'Verbal intimidation'

"Touch that again pal and I'll deck ya!".
This is an obvious and direct from of 
verbal intimidation as is "Is it you 
who's drawn against our best fighter 
next round? Pity you mate!" - this is 
a slightly less direct threat. 

Someone once said to me when I was
on "the doors": "Hit me pal and I 
bleed on you, you're dead, coz I've got
AIDS". Simply put, Verbal Intimidation
is used just to make you think...

Finally there's' Covert or Subtle 

One common way would-be aggressors can
try to intimidate you is through their
reputation as "Hard men". Others use their
reputations for being good at revenge "I 
do home visits", you know the sort, you 
may well be able to "Do them" in a real 
go, but they are the sort who turn up at
your home and petrol bomb it or do the
windows or simply come mob handed.

It's not too easy to bring yourself to 
hammer the shit out of someone you know 
is perfectly capable of torching your
house the next day. 

If you can't overcome and distance 
yourself from these forms of intimidation
before you even start throwing punches, 
then you're fighting ability will be well 

There's no doubt that if you are worried 
about the consequences of fighting, the
pain,damage, injury or even death, then 
you've already given in to intimidation 
and your opponent has already won."
 "When you face opponents, in competition, 
in training or for real your first dual 
priorities are to refuse THEIR
intimidation and inflict your own. 

If you accept theirs you have already 
lost, what then can you do to TURN the 

We all follow certain "Rules" when in a
confrontational situation, we generally 
begin by trying to win verbal points, he 
challenges you and you respond. This is
often a mistake, by batting the 
metaphorical verbal ball back to your
opponent you have entered the game using
HIS ball and playing by HIS rules. 

But if you were to choose to ignore him 
totally or use an answer totally 
opposite of the conversation, then he
would have to rapidly alter his challenge,
because his conscious or even subconscious
thought out plan isn't going his way. 

You see, whether he knows it or not, he
WILL have worked out a game plan, but 
when the plans go wrong so does his 
confidence and control. So, even by just
altering the plan slightly you have already
tipped the scales in your favour.

In the animal kingdom a predator expects
two things from his quarry, one is to freeze
the other is to run, predators rarely expect
or can deal with aggression turned back on

So it is with us, those scum who mug the 
elderly and defenseless do so in the 
knowledge that their quarry will act as
victims not aggressors. 

The assailant expects cringing submission -
not your size ten in his nuts. Refuse his 
challenges, don't argue with him, you are 
NOT there to enter into dialogue you owe 
him absolutely NOTHING. 

Don't argue, he expects that, don't beg, 
he wants that, ignore him and walk away
(keeping a good eye on him) or change the 
subject. Getting him to have to think about 
what's said or done takes his mind from the
physical aggression for the moment, enough 
time for you to plan and execute your 
escape or better still, your OWN attack."



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