"When you face opponents, in competition,
in training or for real your first dual
priorities are to refuse THEIR
intimidation and inflict your own.
If you accept theirs you have already
lost, what then can you do to TURN the
tables with Krav Maga knowledge?
We all follow certain "Rules" when in a
confrontational situation, we generally
begin by trying to win verbal points, he
challenges you and you respond. This is
often a mistake, by batting the
metaphorical verbal ball back to your
opponent you have entered the game using
HIS ball and playing by HIS rules.
But if you were to choose to ignore him
totally or use an answer totally
opposite of the conversation, then he
would have to rapidly alter his challenge,
because his conscious or even subconscious
thought out plan isn't going his way.
You see, whether he knows it or not, he
WILL have worked out a game plan, but
when the plans go wrong so does his
confidence and control. So, even by just
altering the plan slightly you have already
tipped the scales in your favour.
In the animal kingdom a predator expects
two things from his quarry, one is to freeze
the other is to run, predators rarely expect
or can deal with aggression turned back on
So it is with us, those scum who mug the
elderly and defenseless do so in the
knowledge that their quarry will act as
victims not aggressors.
The assailant expects cringing submission -
not your size ten in his nuts. Refuse his
challenges, don't argue with him, you are
NOT there to enter into dialogue you owe
him absolutely NOTHING ans you know what you can do
to him with your Krav Maga techniques !
Don't argue, he expects that, don't beg,
he wants that, ignore him and walk away
(keeping a good eye on him) or change the
subject. Getting him to have to think about
what's said or done takes his mind from the
physical aggression for the moment, enough
time for you to plan and execute your
Krav Maga counter attack !