Krav Maga Motivation !

"INTIMIDATION"... "To deter by threats",
"to frighten into submission". Two
dictionary definitions of the word.
We've all faced it, used it and been
influenced by it.

We grew up with it and all our adult
lives are continually being altered by
it. But what exactly is it, and how do
we conquer it with Krav Maga?

Perhaps the first step is to try and
understand a little about Krav Maga , never
forgetting that sometimes intimidation
is so subtly hidden that we often
miss it.

My old Sensei once said that intimidation
works best when we allow it to. We can
often refuse it, but most often, we don't.

We experience many forms of intimidation
from  a very early age and it becomes the
norm almost as soon as we understand
language. "If you don't eat your dinner
you won't get any ice cream" or
"wait until dad gets home, he'll give you
a good hiding". As children we face it
daily, from this and other forms of
intimidation from parents, teachers, peers,
older children etc.

It's not surprising then, that we become
so used to being intimidated, often so
much, that we actually come to expect it.

Animals (including us) use many forms of
intimidation, with the hopeful result of
this being more or less the same

The defeat of the prey or the retreat of the

Man of course can be EITHER the hunter or the

By beating their chests, gorillas intimidate
others so they are no longer a threat. Other
animals use other forms of intimidation
including visual: Some creatures mimic
looking like more dangerous ones, simply to
avoid being eaten. Others use sound, snarls,
screams etc to intimidate would be predators.
The list is endless but the object is always
the same: to intimidate would be attackers
from actually attacking.

Human forms of intimidation are similarly
diverse and include the visual, verbal and
physical. There ARE others but for the
purpose of the newsletter, three will suffice
and we will take them in order showing how
they affect us, and how we can best deal with

Hopefully, also in the process, you will be
able to turn the tables on your aggressor wenn you start With Krav Maga lessons.

The three are:
Visual intimidation

Verbal intimidation

Covert/subtle intimidation.