A few weeks back we discussed
the height and size advantage
in fights. However, what
about hair advantage?
To be exact - hair DISADVANTAGE.
Ever wondered why alot of MMA
fighters, boxers, marines and
other martial artists have short
hair or buzz cuts?
In ancient times long hair was
preferable. It served as an additional
neck protection in case of a sword
cut. However, in a fist fight
long hair can be quickly turned
You don't need to cut your hair
to a zero. Just short enough so it
is impossible to grab.
Longer hair can also get in your
eyes which can impair your vision.
You might also notice that
guys quickly pull their shirts off
before a fight starts. This is to
prevent the opponent from
grabbing onto their clothes.
If you get into a street confrontation
you can use this knowledge to your
If the opponent has long hair or
loose clothes don't be afraid to
GRAB onto them and restrict
his movement.
This might also make it easier
for you to take the opponent
to the ground.
Speaking of clothes, don't
forget that you can always
use your belt as a melee