How to use pressure points in a street confrontation?

There are lots of questions people have about
pressure points and how to use them in order
to come out on top in a street confrontation...

Who better to answer these questions than Europe's
biggest authority on pressure points, Steven 
So here are the answers to your most 
common questions.
"Steven can you explain how pressure 
points can be used in the street?"
"Well, too much emphasis is put on 'the 
street' for my liking. It should be Pressure 
Points for *anywhere*.
Let's face it: if you can use them, you
can use them in the street... same goes for 
a big right hand or a left hook!
What learning Pressure Points does for
you is to teach you where the body is
anatomically areas other than the 
This information can help in far too many
ways to document. Suffice to say, whatever
the position (unless it's hopeless) there 
is a point nearby that could help.
Remember, we teach to hit real HARD first,
then where to strike for the best effect, 
then what to do if it all goes wrong.
Pressure Points fit squarely into those
last two brackets. Do not deny yourself the 
opportunity of a lifetime by learning Pressure
Points correctly."
"Thanks Steven, I have heard some people
ask that if pressure points are only the size 
of a pen nib. How can you hit them in a real 
"The point itself is only that size, however 
the area of activation is about the size of
your fist!
There are 360+ places on the body to hit as 
Just imagine now 360 fist size dots on your
body,  do you think you could hit one in a 
In fact it is almost impossible NOT to hit 
"Do you have to hit pressure points in any 
specific order?"
"Absolutely NOT!"
" long does the effect last when
I hit a point on an attacker?"
"This obviously depends on how "well" it was 
struck - but as a rough guideline, the systemic 
effect on the body lasts for approximately 20 
minutes on a decreasing scale. The lighter the 
touch - the quicker the cycles return to normal."

Tommorrow: Steven will cover some more for

For more self defence tips and for our 
TOP recommendation of all pressure point 
fighting systems, click the link below...
 Well, yesterday we heard Steven Burton
answer some questions about pressure 

Today, Steven tells us his favourite
pressure points...

Now, being the leading authority on
pressure points in Europe, Steven is a
walking encyclopedia on this subject.

But I set him a challenge of picking just 
three as his favourites...

Starting today - Steven takes us through his
best 3 pressure points...

"The areas detailed in the next few days
have proven over time to work and work well
even in the most extreme cases. 

These weak areas of the body have been
utilised by Martial Arts Masters for
hundreds of years.

They work and work very well. As such 
EXTREME care MUST be taken when practicing 
these techniques.

You should always be aware of and adhere to 
the laws of self-defence as they apply to
your country.

The first point is four-finger widths up 
from the inside ankle bone.

For the very best results simply toe punt this 
area hard or stamp on it.

It causes a massive energy drain on the body
and a huge shock to the system as a whole. 

A strike here makes the head very weak. In 
some cases a very hard strike will result 
in a K.O and / or a broken leg.

The strike will also split the legs, causing 
your opponent to lose balance and leave his 
groin open to attack.

Kick it as hard as you can - either straight
in or down with a stomp."

"The very tip of the chin produces an easy, 
simple and instant K.O. It MUST be struck
in and down as if you are hammering on a 
door to be let in.

A light strike to this area will cause the
jaw to push back and ache for quite a while 
at the hinge.

The head will experience a "zing" from back
to front and then back again.

A medium strike will cause a light K.O or 
severe dizziness.

A hard strike will cause a more severe K.O. and
could result in the dislocation of the jaw 
and / or several teeth becoming dislodged.

The final point we are going to cover is
the back of the head, at the base of the 
skull under the round of the occipital bone.

If you draw a line from the bottom of the
ear to the spine, the half way point is
where it can be found. 

This area should be struck in an upward 
motion towards the opposite upper side of 
the frontal part of the head.

Strike towards the forehead of the opposite 

This is the 'easiest' K.O. point on the body.
However, it is not easy to get to as it is on
the back of the head.

All the Doormen, Security Officers and Law
Enforcement Officers I have taught this to 
have made this place their 'favourite'.

A light strike will cause dizziness and 
the legs to buckle.

A medium strike will cause unconsciousness 
and momentary memory loss.

A severe strike will cause massive unconsciousness.
It will also cause total short term (last 
few hours) memory loss."

Thanks Steven- awesome stuff.



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