KRAV MAGA 'The Four D'S' being: Dialogue, Deception, Distraction and Destruction How an attacker uses Dialogue to gain an advantage? "The next D is 'Deception' - used to make the attacker appear harmless, for instance the notorious serial rapist and killer Ted Bundy would wear a fake cast on his harm and pretend to struggle getting shopping into the back of his van. He would ask a women to assist him and as she was distracted putting away the shopping she would be FORCED into the back of his van and driven to a pre-planned location. KRAV MAGA The next D is 'Distraction' - part of the Deception and usually delivered through Dialogue in the form of a question. While the victim's brain is engaged thinking of an answer the attacker will STRIKE. The final D is for 'Destruction' - This is the final part of the ritual and the aim of the attacker. Of course, the attacker may not have to use the rituals if you have already isolated yourself and appear switched off - for instance if a women was walking across a field at night, the rapist wouldn't HAVE to go through the four D's and would just go straight for the this case the rape or attack."
Today Paul Bowman continues his awesome tips on attack avoidance... "The next part of Self Awareness is Target Hardening. By this I mean that we present LESS of an easy target for the opportunist criminal... Many criminals will assess early on whether we are displaying victim behaviour. IF they decide we are not they often move on to an easier choice... The term hard target comes from the Military where patrols will move around in a professional switched on manner making them a LESSER target for terrorists. Often in Northern Ireland, the terrorist organisations would set an ambush or booby trap and let a switched on patrol pass through and wait for a less aware unit before launching their attack. Some of the ways we can make ourselves less of an easy target is to walk with a confident gait and appear switched on and aware of our surroundings. Don't outwardly display valuable goods such as jewellery or expensive mobile phones or cash, and employ all aspects of personal security such as locking the car doors IMMEDIATELY after getting inside - not leaving windows open and unlocked in our house. KRAV MAGA Our aim at all times is to LESSEN our chances of becoming a potential victim. Rather than listing various traits the attacker would look for in a potential victim, I would recommend this exercise... Spend an hour in a coffee shop in your local town centre, choose a spot next to the window and observe people going about their business. Now pretend YOU were a mugger and choose who you would mug. Write down the reasons why you choose that person. was it because they displayed valuable goods or were they day dreaming and oblivious to their surroundings? Once you have compiled your list actively display the OPPOSITE behavior and you will be making yourself a HARD target for a would be attacker."
Commentary Driving is an exercise used by most tactical driving instructors to FORCE the student to be aware of their surroundings while driving. It involves vocalising to your instructor what is going on around you. For instance, you would say that you're over-taking a green car on your left, you can see a white van to your rear, and 200m ahead is a junction... It is a constant commentary of your journey. It FORCES you to concentrate on what is going on around you and, as you're vocalising it, it STOPS other thoughts from entering your head. Eventually the student will be able to stop talking out loud but still run through the commentary in their heads. Commentary walking is very similar except you begin with internal vocalisation - you keep a running internal dialogue of what is going on around you, who is walking towards you, have they got their hands in their pockets etc. You use mirrors or reflections on glass to see who is behind you and keep a 360 degree state of alertness. Some people initially struggle to keep this level of awareness up for long periods. Another awareness drill could be to count people who have blue jeans on for example, or count people in red jumpers. Both these drills are designed to force you to become aware of your surroundings. As previously stated the MOST important part of your Self Protection training should be awareness. It will enable you to AVOID and escape from situations before they become physical and deter a potential attacker.
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