Krav Maga Physical Preparedeness!
Is doing 50 push ups going to help you
in a fight?
"Firstly we need to understand the difference
GPP - Means you train across the board and
are NOT really worried about the outcome.
For example fitness wise you might run, lift
weights, cycle, row, and swim. You have been
told this will improve your fitness so you do
it. But will it improve your fitness for
martial arts?
Sat in a gym on a chest press or lat pull down
machine is NOT going to help your arm bar skills
or your spinning heel kick.
SPP. Means you are training with a SPECIFIC goal
in mind. You are training for that end result.
For example if you are training to run a
marathon you WOULD be running not lifting weights.
So your SPP would be running.
Your GPP MIGHT be some weight work for
strengthening and some stretching.
If you want to become a better wrestler then
wrestle. That is your SPP training.
If your wrestling is suffering because of your
conditioning then seek out the right fitness
regime for a wrestler and let that be part of
your SPP.
Hill sprints, explosive barbell and dumbbell
lifting, chin ups, rope climbing, burpees, sprawls,
hindu push ups etc would be the RIGHT thing to do
not a spin class or swimming."
Take a look how
Take a look here about Genereal Physical Preparedeness (GPP) at Krav Maga Trainings!